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Journal Publications
[41]陈锋, 张飞, 叶阳升, 陈晓斌, 杨严龙, 蔡德钩. 考虑基桩自重作用的桩身轴力计算方法及其应用研究. 铁道建筑. 2019(12):19.
[42]丁瑜, 陈晓斌, 张家生, 贾羽. 风化红砂岩残积土路基瞬态饱和区动态水压力特征试验研究. 岩土力学. 2019(12):22.
[43]胡贺松, 廖湘英, 陈晓斌. "修正剑桥模型在 DPC 桩—土结构层中的应用分析." 地质力学学报 24, no. 6 (2018): 849-854.
[44]毛国成, 陈晓斌, 王晅, 李扬波. "基于非线性泊松比修正的邓肯-张 E-ν 模型及应用研究." 铁道科学与工程学报 1 (2019): 10.
[45]周震, 王萌, 于群丁, 郑可扬, 肖源杰, 陈晓斌. "透水性级配碎石路基力学性能的直剪试验研究." 铁道科学与工程学报 16, no. 9 (2019): 2175-2183.
[46]王业顺, 陈晓斌, 蔡徳钩. "桩板结构路基沉降计算方法及对既有桩基侧摩阻力的影响." 铁道建筑 59, no. 2 (2019): 22-25.
[47]胡贺松, 陈晓斌, 唐孟雄, 廖湘英, 肖源杰. "随钻跟管桩桩-土接触面作用机制 大型直剪试验研究." 岩土力学 39, no. 12 (2018): 4325-4334.
[48]陈晓斌, 丁瑜, 易世主, 肖源杰. "无砟轨道基床吸水膨胀上拱对高速列车的影响分析." 铁道建筑 2019 年 02 (2019): 26-30.
[49]丁建源, 陈晓斌, 张家生, 刘怡吟, 肖源杰. "基于对数几率回归模型的粗颗粒土颗粒 破碎过程演化研究." 岩土力学 40, no. 4 (2019): 1465-1473.
[50]Chen, X. *, Zhang, J. "Stress-Strain Response and Dilation of Geogrid-Reinforced Coarse-Grained Soils in Large-Scale Direct Shear Tests." Geotechnical Testing Journal 41.3 (2018)
[51]Chen, Xiaobin*, Yu Jia, and Jiasheng Zhang. "Geogrid-reinforcement and the critical state of graded aggregates used in heavy-haul railway transition subgrade." Transportation Geotechnics 11 (2017): 27-40
[52]Chen, Xiaobin, and Jiasheng Zhang. "Effect of Load Duration on Particle Breakage and Dilative Behavior of Residual Soil." Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering 142.9 (2016): 06016008
[53]Chen, X. and Zhang, J.. "Influence of Relative Density on Dilatancy of Clayey Sand–Fouled Aggregates in Large-Scale Triaxial Tests." Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering. 2016,06, 10.1061/(ASCE)GT.1943-5606.0001542 , 06016011
[54]Chen, Xiaobin, and Jiasheng Zhang. "Effect of clay invasion on shear behavior and dilatancy of unbound aggregate subbase." Transportation Geotechnics 6 (2016): 16-25
[55]Chen, Xiaobin, et al. "Effect of roughness on shear behavior of red clay–concrete interface in large-scale direct shear tests." Canadian Geotechnical Journal 52.8 (2015): 1122-1135
[56]Chen, X. *, Zhang, J. Full-scale Field Testing on a Highway Composite Pavement Dynamic Responses. Transportation geotechnics, 2015, 04, 13-27
[57]Chen, X. *, Zhang, J. Shear behaviour of a geogrid-reinforced coarse-grained soil based onlarge-scale triaxial tests. Geotextiles and Geomembranes, 2014,42,312-328
[58]Chen, X. *, Zhang, J. Grain crushing analysis and effects on the weathered granular soil’s rheological behavior[J]. Journal of Cent. South University Technology,2012, 19(7), 2022-2028
[59]Chen, X. *, Zhang, J. Effect of granite gravel content on improved granular mixtures as railway subgrade fillings.Journal of Central South University,2014,21(08):3361-3369
[60]Meng F., Zhang, J., Chen, X. Deformation characteristics of coarse-grained soil with various gradations[J].Journal of Central South University,2014,21(06):2469-2476
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