

教育背景:本人于03年由安徽滁州中学考入中国科学技术大学电子工程与信息科学(6)系(安徽省高考第72名),07年申请到 Dean's Distinguished Fellowship 进入美国UC Riverside (加州大学河滨分校) 的ECE department攻读博士学位,并于12年1月博士毕业。

工作经历:先后在NTT Docomo Research Lab (USA) 任Research Engineer,Bell Lab Cente(Shanghai)任Research Scientist,之后在中山大学(原移动信息工程学院)电子与信息工程学院任讲师。



成果介绍:本人持有美国和中国专利多项, 参与3GPP标准制定一项。为IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing,IEEE Trans. on Communications, IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, IEEE Trans. on Knowledge and Data Engineering, IEEE Trans.on Circuits and Systems I,  IEEE Trans. on Vehicular Technology, IEEE Sensors Journal, IEEE Communications Letters, Artificial Intelligence Review等期刊审稿人。参与的研究成果曾被Washington Post等报道。第二完成人承担的项目“城市安全保障物联网关键技术研发与应用”获省部级科学技术进步二等奖(2019)。第一完成人获省计算机学会教学成果奖一等奖(2023)。


       一直以来围绕无线通信理论及系统开展研究,包括但不限于人工智能在物联网信息处理传输中的应用,具体有基于深度学习的智能通信与边缘计算的结合;混合数模视频编码; 低时延联合信源信道编码(Joint Source Channel Coding)(其天然适用于语义通信);  分布式联邦学习下的智能信息压缩;分布式压缩感知及应用(Distributed Compressive Sensing);启发式优化算法;室内智能定位(Intelligent Indoor Positioning)等. 目前在无线通信与移动计算团队。


主讲过的课程:本人在中山大学主讲过的课程包括“电路原理和模电初步”,“移动信息工程物理基础(电磁学)”,“通信原理与系统(理论及实验课)”,“无线传感网络(理论及实验课)”,"数据结构与算法设计","高级程序设计"。其中“无线传感网络(理论及实验课)”评教成绩列全校第一。 在中山大学原移动信息学院任教期间,负责了通信原理与系统教学实验室和无线传感网络教学实验室的建立和相关实验课程的设计。

在中南大学目前承担课程“前沿技术讲座”, “物联网原理与应用(理论及实验)”, "信息论与编码"


46. "Cross-Architecture Knowledge Distillation for Deep Joint-Source Channel Coding", submitted

45. “Deep Joint Source-Channel Coding for Wireless Image Transmission: One-Model-to-Many”, revised and resubmission.

44.F. Wang, X. Chen*, X. Deng, "Wireless adaptive image transmission over OFDM channels based on entropy model", accepted, IEEE Wireless Communications Letters.

43. X. Chen, A. Wang, X. Deng*, J. Gui, Latency-efficient Wireless Federated Learning with Spasification and Quantization for Heterogeneous Devices”, accepted, IEEE Internet of Things Journal.

42. "Deep Joint Source Channel Coding for Wireless Video Tranmission with Asymmetric Context" revise and resubmit

41. "Weather-Aware Collaborative Perception with Uncertanity Reduction", IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, vol. 25, no. 12, December 2024.

40. Y. Li, X. Chen*, X. Deng, J. Gui, "Content Adaptive Distributed Joint Source-Channel Coding for Image Transmission with Hyperprior," accepted, IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking

39. L. Xu, X. Chen*,  X. Deng, "Zero-Delay Hybrid Digital-Analog Coding under Energy Constraints", accepted, IEEE Communications Letters, https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/10375564

38. X. Chen, C. Chen, X. Deng*, "Distributed Soft Video Transmission Based on Hybrid Digital and Analog Scheme",  Internet of Things, vol. 25,Apr. 2024, https://authors.elsevier.com/a/1iFkZ928b9GWtJ

37. Y. Li, X. Chen*, X. Deng,"Joint Source-Channel Coding for a Multivariate Gaussian over a Gaussian MAC using Variational Domain Adaptation", vol. 9, no. 6, pp. 1424-1437, Dec. 2023, IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking, https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/10180059.

36. X. Chen, Z. Lin, C. Chen, X. Deng*, "Low-Delay Digital and Hybrid Digital/Analog Schemes for Wyner-Ziv Problem Over Gaussian Broadcast Channel", vol. 72, no. 12, pp. 16058-16072, Dec. 2023, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/10182399 

35. Y. Zhao, X. Deng, X. Pei, X. Chen, D. Li, "Parallel Gradient Blend for Class Incremental Learning", ICIP, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Oct.2023. 

34. X. Deng, B. Chen, X. Chen*, X. Pei*S. Wan, S. K. Goudos, "A Trusted Edge Computing System Based on Intelligent Risk Detection for Smart IoT", 10.1109/TII.2023.3245681, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics,May 2023.

33. X. Chen, J. Yi, A. Wang, X. Deng, "Wi-Fi fingerprint  based indoor localization using few shot regression", 2024 27th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design (CCF C)

32. Y. Li,X. Chen*,X. Deng,“Lightweight Deep Joint Source-Channel Coding for Gauss-Markov Sources over AWGN channel" ,WCNC,Glasgow, Scotland,Mar. 2023

31. X. Deng, J. Zhao, Z. Kuang, X. Chen*, Q. Guo, F. Tang*, “Computation Efficiency Maximization in Multi-UAV-Enabled Mobile Edge Computing Systems based on 3D deployment optimization”, 10.1109/TETC.2023.3268346, IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing,Apr. 2023.

30. X. Deng, L. Wang, J. Gui, P. Jiang, X. Chen, F. Zeng, S. Wan, "A review of 6G autonomous intelligent transportation systems: Mechanisms, applications and challenges," Journal of Systems Architecture, vol. 142, Sep. 2023. 

29. L. Wang, X. Deng*, J. Gui, X. Chen, S. Wan,  "Microservice-Oriented Service Placement for Mobile Edge Computing in Sustainable Internet of Vehicles", 10.1109/TITS.2023.3274307, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, May 2023.

28. Y. Wu. X. Chen, X. Yao. Z. Chen*, "Hyperbolic graph convolutional neural network with contrastive learning for automated ICD coding," Computers in Biology and Medicine, 2023.

27. X. Deng, P. Jiang and X. Chen*, "Multi-Relational Collaborative Filtering for Global Graph Neural Networks to Mine Evolutional Social Relations",IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems, pp. 1-11, Dec. 2022.

26. Y. Hu, X. Deng*, C. Zhu, X. Chen, "Resource Allocation for Heterogenerous Computing Tasks in Wirelessly Powered MEC-Enabled IIOT-Systems," ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems, Nov. 2022. 

25. Y. Wu, Z. Chen*, X. Yao, X. Chen, "JAN: Joint Attention Networks for Automatic ICD coding," vol. 26, no. 10, pp. 5235-5246, IEEE journal of biomedical and health informatics, Oct. 2022. 

24. B. Li, X. Deng*, X. Chen*, Y. Deng, "MEC-based Dynamic Controller Placement in SD-IoV: A Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach,'' IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 71, no. 9, Sep. 2022.

23. T. Liu, X. Chen*, "Attention based Neural Joint Source Channel coding of Text over Point to Point and Broadcast Channel,'' Artificial Intelligence Review,https://rdcu.be/cxHTd, 2021. 

22. W. Zhao, X. Chen*, "Zero-Delay Joint source channel coding for bivariate Gaussian sources over broadcast channels with one-bit ADC front ends", Entropy,SI "Information Theory for Communication Systems", 2021.

21. Z. Lin, Xuechen Chen*,Hongzhou Tan, "A Practical Low Delay Digital Scheme for Wyner-Ziv Coding over Gaussian Broadcast Channel, ", CISS 2021, Baltimore, Maryland, USA.

20. X. Chen, W. Xiong, "Compressed Sensing based Multi-Hop Data Routing in 3D Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks",ISMICT, 2021, Xiamen, China

19. X. Chen*, W. Xiong, S. Chu, "Two-tier PSO based Data Routing employing Bayesian Compressive Sensing in Underwater Sensor  Networks", Sensors, 2020

18. Y. Qian, X. Chen*, "An improved particle filter based indoor tracking system via joint wi-Fi/PDR localization", 2020, https://doi.org/10.1088/1361-6501/abaa1f,  Measurement science and technology.

17. T. Liu,  X. Chen*," Deep Learning-Based Belief Propagation Algorithm over Non-Binary Finite Fields", WCSP 2020, Nanjing, China

16. Y. Yin, Q. Tu, X. Chen*, "Enhanced Salp Swarm Optimizer based on Random Walk and its applicaions on training Feedforwad Neural Networks",  Soft Computing, https://rdcu.be/b28Ps, 2020

15. "Energy-Efficient Symbiotic UAV-Enabled MEC Networks via RIS: Joint Trajectory and Phase-Shift Control Optimization", early access, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2025


14. X.Chen, F. Li and X. Liu, "A Distributed Digital Codec for Jointly Sparse Correlated Signals", 16th International Symposium on Wireless Communication Systems, Oulu, Finland, Aug. 2019.

13. X.Chen, F. Li and X. Liu, "An Efficient and Robust Digital Codec Framework for Jointly Sparse Correlated Signals", IEEE access,2019.

12. Q. Tu, X. Chen* and X. Liu, "Hierarchy Strengthened Grey Wolf Optimizer for Numerical Optimization and Feature Selection", IEEE access, 2019.

11. X. Liu, G.Yang and X. Chen*, "Variable-Node-Based Belief-Propagation Decoding with Message Pre-processing for NAND Flash Memory",  IEEE access, 2019.

10. Q. Tu, X. Chen*, X. Liu, "Multi-strategy Ensemble Grey Wolf Optimizer and Its Application to Feature Selection", Applied Soft Computing, Dec. 2018.

9. Xuechen chen, “Zero-Delay Gaussian Joint Source-Channel Coding for the Interference Channel”, IEEE Communications Letters, April. 2018, the extended version on arxiv http://arxiv.org/abs/1801.07851

8. X. Liu, C. Fan, X. Chen, “Dynamic Scheduling Decoding of LDPC Codes Based on Tabu Search”, IEEE Transactions on Communications, Nov. 2017.

7. "Energy-Efficient Strategic UAV-Enabled MEC Networks via STAR-RIS: Joint Optimization of Trajectory and user association", IEEE Internet of Things Journal, early access, 2025.

6. G. Wang, X. Chen#, S. Liu, C. Wong, S. Chu*,"Mechanical Chameleon through Dyanmic Real-Time Plasmonic Tuning," ACS Nano, 10(2), 2016, DOI: 10.1021/acsnano.5b07472

5. Xuechen Chen,Shupeng Song,Jihong Xing,“A ToA/IMU indoor positioning system by extended Kalman filter, particle filter and MAP algorithms,” International symposium on personal, indoor and mobile radio communications (PIMRC), Valencia, Spain, Sep. 2016.

4. Xuechen Chen,Ertem Tuncel, "Zero-Delay Joint Source-Channel Coding Using Hybrid Digital-Analog Schemes in the Wyner-Ziv Setting," IEEE Transactions on Communications, 2014

3. Xuechen Chen, Ertem Tuncel, "Low-Delay Prediction-and Transform-Based Wyner-Zive Coding", IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 2011. 

2. X.Chen, E. Tuncel, "High-resolution predictive Wyner-Ziv coding of Gaussian sources", ISIT, 2009

1. X. Chen, E. Tuncel,"Zero-delay joint source-channel coding for the Gaussian Wyner-Ziv problem", ISIT 2011







3. 教育部留学回国人员科研启动基金,“网络信息论在低时延场景下的应用性研究”





8. 国家自然基金联合基金重点支持项目  高速列车通信网络柔性组网与确定性传输方法及关键技术研究 中南方负责人

7. 四川省重点研发计划 高性能多协议双线工业以太网网关关键技术研究与应用 中南方负责人

6. jwkjw173重点项目课题负责人 负责XX仿真和研究    

5. 主持外协研究项目 “6G低功耗芯片组件研发” 

4. 主持2025年度湖南省基金面上项目,2025年度长沙市基金

3. 主持国家重点实验室开放基金2项 

2. 骨干人员参与科技部重点研发计划子课题 医疗行为多维度感知关键技术及应用研究-大规模多模态医疗数据文件存储 

1. 主持中南大学科研启动经费 




陈闯:    深圳华为2012实验室



刘   婷:深圳富士康工业物联网研究院





李    繁:深圳华为诺亚方舟实验室




万    里:深圳华为技术支持岗


本科生 (直接工作的学生):










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  • 特聘副教授
  • 教师拼音名称:chenxuechen
  • 所在单位:电子信息学院
  • 职务:通信工程系副主任
  • 办公地点:电子楼119房间
  • 职称:特聘副教授
  • 在职信息:在职
  • 学科:计算机科学与技术




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