Delong Meng, Marc Walsh, Wieland Fricke*. Rapid changes in root hydraulic conductivity and aquaporin expression in rice (Oryza sativa L.) in response to shoot removal–xylem tension as a possible signal. Annals of Botany, 2016, 118(4): 809-819
Pre One:Delong Meng, Wieland Fricke*. Changes in root hydraulic conductivity facilitate the overall hydraulic response of rice (Oryza sativa L.) cultivars to salt and osmotic stress. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 2017, 11364-77
Next One:Chong Qin, Jiemeng Tao, Tianbo Liu, Yongjun Liu, Nengwen Xiao, Tianming Li, Yabing Gu, Huaqun Yin, Delong Meng*. Responses of phyllosphere microbiota and plant health to application of two different biocontrol agents [J]. AMB Express, 2019, 9