

编审 硕士生导师



职务:中南大学出版社 《交通安全与环境(英文)》期刊副主编兼编辑部主任





邓履翔,男,1979年出生,博士,编审,现任中南大学出版社《交通安全与环境(英)》副主编、编辑部主任,中南大学人文学院本科生教师、硕士生导师,出版社专家委员会委员兼秘书,兼任中国高校科技期刊研究会副秘书长,湖南省科技期刊编辑学会理事,武汉理工大学人文学院校外硕士生导师,《Journal of Scholarly Communication》副主编、《中国科技期刊研究》、《学术出版研究》(辑刊)编委,《数字出版研究》、《学术出版与传播》(辑刊)青年编委。

1998年进入中南大学就读,2011年获得博士学位。2011年6月开始从事期刊编辑工作,曾任《中南大学学报编辑部(英文版)》编辑部编辑、副主任,先后撰写发表多篇编辑出版学论文,在《Learned Publishing》、《中国科技期刊研究》、《科技与出版》、《编辑学报》等 SSCI/CSSCI核心期刊发表论文30多篇。从事编辑出版工作以来,主持中国科技期刊卓越行动计划选育高水平办刊人才子项目-青年人才支持项目1项、湖南省湘版一流科技期刊杰出中青年人才项目1项(2021ZL9004 ,在研)、中信所-Taylor&Francis前沿实验室项目1项、中国高校科技期刊研究会课题2项(CUJS-GJHZ-2022-01,在研)、湖南省高校学报研究会课题1项;作为子课题负责人,参与教育部人文社科基金1项、教育部科技司委托课题1项、中国科协课题2项;主持中国科技期刊国际影响力提升计划高起点新刊项目1项、湖南省湘版一流科技期刊高起点新刊项目1项2021ZL9001 ,在研;所撰写的论文多次获中国高校科技期刊研究会优秀论文、湖南省科技期刊编辑学会、湖南省高校学报研究会优秀论文奖。个人获得湖南省第三届出版政府奖-优秀出版人物奖、湖南省首届优秀期刊工作者、中国高校科技期刊研究会优秀主编和优秀编辑、中国科技期刊编辑学会青年编辑奖(骏马奖)、中国高校科技期刊研究会优秀论著金笔奖银笔奖、湖南省优秀青年编辑、2024中国知网高被引学者(TOP5%)等荣誉。

I entered Central South University in 1998, where I obtained my Ph.D. degree in 2011. In 2008-2010, I studied at the University of Toronto, Canada, as a visiting Ph.D student.  Starting from June 2011, I have been engaged in journal publishing industry. I had served as an Editor and Deputy Editorial Director of the Journal of Central South University (English Edition). And now I am Associate Editor-in-Chief and Editorial Director of Transportation Safety and Environment, Master Supervisor of  School of Humanities,  Central South University.

To date, I have authored and published papers in the field of editing and scholarly publishing, with more than 30 articles appearing in SSCI/CSSCI core journals, such as Learned Publishing, Chinese Journal of Scientific and Technical Periodicals,  Science & Technology Publishing, and Acta Editologica . Since embarking on a career in editing and publishing, I have been the principal investigator for one project under the China Science Journal Excellence Action Plan aimed at cultivating high-level journal management talent, the Young Talent Support Program, and one project under the Hunan Province’s First-Class Science and Technology Journal Excellence Program for Outstanding Young and Middle-aged Talents (2021ZL9004, in research). I have also led a project supported by the ICTIC-Taylor & Francis Frontier Laboratory, two research topics for the Chinese University Science Journal Research Association (CUJS-GJHZ-2022-01, in research), and a research topic for the Hunan Province University Journal Research Association. As a sub-project leader, I have participated in one project funded by the Ministry of Education’s Humanities and Social Sciences Fund, one entrusted project by the Ministry of Education’s Science and Technology Department, and two projects for the China Association for Science and Technology. I have also been the principal investigator for the China Science Journal International Influence Enhancement Plan’s High-Quality New Journal Project (2021ZL9001, in research) and one project under the Hunan Province’s First-Class Science and Technology Journal Excellence Program for High-Quality New Journals. My papers have been recognized with awards multiple times, including the Excellent Paper Award from the Chinese University Science Journal Research Association, the Hunan Province Science Journal Editors Society, and the Hunan Province University Journal Research Association. Personally, I have been honored with the Hunan Province Publishing Government Award ( Third ) for Publishing - Outstanding Publisher, the First Hunan Provincial Outstanding Journal Editor Award, the Outstanding Journal Editor-in-Chief Award of the Society of China University Journals, the Excellent Editor Award of the Society of China University Journals, the Excellent Editor Award of the Chinese Society of Science and Technology, the Young Editor Award of the Society of China University Journals,  the Gold and Silver Pen Awards for Excellent Works of the Society of China University Journals, and the Hunan Provincial Outstanding Young Editor Award.


Associate Editor-in-Chief, Editorial Director of Transportation Safety and Environment, Central South University Press & Oxford University, P.R.China

Supervisor of the Master’s Degree in the School of Humanities, Central South University, P.R.China

Secretary & Member of Expert Committee of Central South University Press, Central South University, P.R.China

Associate Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Scholarly Communication, CUJS

Editor, Chinese Journal of Scientific and Technical Periodicals, CAS (Chinese Academy of Sciences) (in Chinese)

Editor, Scholarly Publishing Research, CUJS (Collected Papers)  (in Chinese)

Youth Editor, Scholarly Publishing & Communication (in Chinese)

Youth Editor, Digital Publishing Research (in Chinese) 

Group Memberships

    Deputy Secretary-General of the Society of China University Journals

Deputy Director of the Youth Committee of the Society of China University Journals

Member of the Expert Committee of Journal Procedure Demonstration of Ministry of Education, P.R.China

Council Member of Science and Technology Journal Editor Society of Hunan Province



Excellent Publisher of Hunan Province (2022)

Excellent Journal Worker of Hunan Province (2021)

Excellent Editor of the Society of China University Journals2017

Excellent Young Editor of China Editology Society of Science Periodicals (CESSP) (2017)

Excellent Young Editor of the Society of China University Journals (2015)


Excellent Paper of the Society of China University Journals (2022, 2021, 2018)

Excellent Paper of China Editology Society of Science Periodicals (CESSP) (2018)

Excellent Paper of the Science and Technology Journal Editor Society of Hunan Province (2019, 2018,)

Excellent Paper of the Editor Society of Colleges and Universities Journals in Hunan Province (2022, 2020)

Publications – Journals 

[1] Mingyang Qin, Yutong Zheng, Lvxiang Deng, et al. The “amphibious” characteristic and “double circulation” special mission of domestic English scientific journals [J]. Acta Editologica,2023,35(03):245-250. DOI:10.16811/j.cnki.1001-4314.2023.03.002.(in Chinese)

[2] Jun Zhao, Lvxiang Deng, Zheng Guo, et al. The essential attributes and role orientation of scientific journal editors. [J]. Acta Editologica, 2023,35(02):130-134. DOI:10.16811/j.cnki.1001-4314.2023.02.003. (in Chinese)(Corresponding author)

[3] Lvxiang Deng, Huige Shen. Encoding Strategics for short videos of academic journals based on encoding theory [J]. Chinese Journal of Scientific and Technical Periodicals,2023,34(03):305-314. (in Chinese) (Corresponding author)

[4] Lvxiang Deng, Yang Xiong. Feedback on UNESCO recommendation on open science and enlightenment to open science in China [J]. Digital Publishing Research,2023,2(01):107-121. (in Chinese) (Corresponding author)

[5] Yang Li, Na Li, Lvxiang Deng, et al. Application on Wechat channels among medical journals and strategies for the journal development [J]. Chinese Journal of Scientific and Technical Periodicals,2022,33(07):877-885. (in Chinese)

[6]Yating Chen, Lvxiang Deng. Analysis on the operation modes of editorial office of S&T journals in China [J]. Acta Editologica ,2022,34(03):286-290. DOI:10.16811/j.cnki.1001-4314.2022.03.009. (in Chinese) (Corresponding author)

[7] Lvxiang Deng, Ying Hu. Self-cultivation of academic journal editors in the new era [J]. China Publishing Journal,2022(08):56-58. (in Chinese) (Corresponding author)

[8] Jiayi Xu, Lvxiang Deng, Yan DU, et al. Research on the role orientation of academic journal editors in colleges and universities in the construction system of scientific research integrity: from the perspective of college students [J]. Public Communication of Science & Technology,2022,14(07):25-28. DOI:10.16607/j.cnki.1674-6708.2022.07.032. (in Chinese)

[9] Lvxiang Deng, Huige Shen. Problems in the development of English-language scientific journals of China[J]. Acta Editologica, 2021,33(06):600-604. DOI:10.16811/j.cnki.1001-4314.2021.06.004. (in Chinese) (Corresponding author)

[10] Lvxiang Deng. Change of the role of academic journal content: from the perspective of scholarly communication[J]. Chinese Journal of Scientific and Technical Periodicals,2021,32(12):1481-1489. (in Chinese) (Corresponding author)

[11] Yan Du, Lvxiang Deng, Guang Zhang, et al. Role and functions of academic journal editors in the construction of research integrity system in universities[J]. Chinese Journal of Scientific and Technical Periodicals,2021,32(08):975-982. (in Chinese) (Corresponding author)

[12] Ying Hu, Lvxiang Deng.Construction strategies of WeChat official accounts of academic journals from the perspective of impression management[J]. Publishing & Printing,2021(03):52-58.DOI:10.19619/j.issn.1007-1938.2021.00.045. (in Chinese) (Corresponding author)

[13] Lvxiang Deng, Baohua Yang, Xianghua Wu. Editor training strategy and practical exploration of university journals cluster[J]. Science-Technology & Publication,2021(04):83-87.DOI:10.16510/j.cnki.kjycb.2021.04.012. (in Chinese) (Corresponding author)

[14] Mingyang Qin, Lvxiang Deng, Canhua Chen. Development orientation and mission of Chinese scientific journals under the background of developing world-class scientific journals: analysis on the coordinated development of Chinese scientific journals and national major strategies[J]. Chinese Journal of Scientific and Technical Periodicals,2021,32(03):281-289. (in Chinese) (Corresponding author)

[15] Lvxiang Deng, Ying Hu, Huige Shen. Comparative study on academic misconduct handling methods of 42 double first-class universities[J]. Chinese Journal of Scientific and Technical Periodicals,2021,32(02):145-152. (in Chinese) (Corresponding author)

[16] Xuedong Jiang, Lvxiang Deng, Peng Tu, et al. Analysis on the ways to reshape the role and function of engineering technology journals under the guidance of the Excellence Action Plan of China’s scientific journals[J]. Science-Technology & Publication, 2021(01):145-150. DOI:10.16510/j.cnki.kjycb.20210115.007. (in Chinese)

[17] Baohua Yang, Mingyang Qin, Lvxiang Deng, et al. Development orientation and strategy of Chinese comprehensive journals of science and engineering in universities under the background of “double first-class”[J]. Chinese Journal of Scientific and Technical Periodicals,2020,31(04):381-387. (in Chinese)

[18] Lvxiang Deng. Case analysis on fraudulent citation of scientific journals and suggestions for editing work[J]. Chinese Journal of Scientific and Technical Periodicals,2020,31(01):39-44. (in Chinese) (Corresponding author)

[19] Guorui Yuan, Lvxiang Deng. Influence of review articles on impact factors: analysis on the highly cited review articles [J]. Chinese Journal of Scientific and Technical Periodicals,2019,30(07):789-794. (in Chinese) (Corresponding author)

[20] Xianghua Wu, Lvxiang Deng. Exploration on the development of academic journals in Chinese universities [J]. Science-Technology & Publication, 2019(04):89-93. DOI:10.16510/j.cnki.kjycb.2019.04.030. (in Chinese) (Corresponding author)

[21] Lvxiang Deng, Weilang Wang, Canhua Chen. Fraudulent citation: a new improper citation behavior[J]. Chinese Journal of Scientific and Technical Periodicals,2018,29(03):237-241. (in Chinese) (Corresponding author)

[22] Lvxiang Deng. Construction strategy of regional omnimedia publishing platform for sci-tech journals under the background of media convergence[J]. Journal Editor Symposium,2017(00):259-265. (in Chinese) (Corresponding author)

[23] Weilang Wang, Lvxiang Deng, Bin You, Ping Zhang, Yifeng Chen. Digital object identifier and its use in core Chinese academic journals: A Chinese perspective, Learned Publishing(Corresponding author)

[24] Lvxiang Deng. How academic journals prevent disputes over the right of authorship of academic papers[J]. Science-Technology & Publication, 2017(08):58-61. DOI:10.16510/j.cnki.kjycb.2017.08.014. (in Chinese) (Corresponding author)


Publications – Books 

  [1] Lvxiang. Research on Journal Editors and Academic Integrity System in Colleges and Universities[M] Hangzhou: Zhejiang University Press, 2022, ISBN 978-7-308-22916-6 (in Chinese)

  [2] Style Manual Subcommittee, Council of Science Editors. Scientific style and format – The CSE manual for authors, editors, and publishers (8th Edition) [M], translated by China Editology Society of Science Periodicals (CESSP), Chapters 25,26,30,31,32, Beijing: China Science Publishing & Media Ltd. (CSPM), ISBN 978-7-03-064730-6 (in Chinese)


Research interests:  Academic publishing and communication; Network information and services; Editing practice; Research integrity and publishing ethics.

社会服务:教育部学位论文评审专家;湖南省科技评审(评估)专家库专家;《Learned Publishing》、《Journal of Scholarly Publishing》、《中国科技期刊研究》、《科技与出版》、《编辑学报》、《数字出版研究》、《学术出版与传播》、《学术出版研究》等期刊/辑刊论文审稿人。





2019级 胡 英 已毕业,发表论文3篇,其CSSCI来源期刊论文2篇,获中南大学研究生自主探索项目1项,国家奖学金

2020级 沈辉戈 已毕业,发表论文3篇,其CSSCI来源期刊论文2篇获中南大学研究生自主探索项目1项,国家奖学金

2021级 杨柳青 已毕业

2022级 杨 宇 在读获中南大学研究生自主探索项目1项

2023级 李忆彤 在读 

2023级 罗若男 在读

2024级 李诗羽 在读

2024级 郭 晗 在读

2024级 张萍萍 在读





