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主要任职:计算机学院副院长 湖南省数据传感与交换设备工程中心 主任 IEEE RS Chapter长沙 主席CCF普适计算专委 委员 CCF长沙 执委



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P. Guan, X. Deng, Y. Liu and H. Zhang, "Analysis of Multiple Clients’ Behaviors in Edge Computing Environment," in IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 67, no. 9, pp. 9052-9055, Sept. 2018, doi: 10.1109/TVT.2018.2850917. (JCR 1区)



发表刊物:IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology

摘要:Edge computing is an emerging novel computation paradigm, which plays a vital role in the 5G era. A basic application scenario in edge computing is that end users have the ability to choose edge server nodes, which are expected to participate in working on the tasks allocated by end users. At the same time, edge server nodes can freely make their own decisions on serving, which end user's task. End users have to compete with each other for edge server nodes’ service, through the payment they can offer to edge nodes for service. In this paper, we apply game theory to model the interaction between end users and edge server nodes as a noncooperative game. The end users are the players who compete for service, and the edge server nodes are the ones who provide service. We have proved the existence of Nash Equilibrium in the game, which suggests that there exists a stable system state in the edge computing environment. We have also shown the stability of the Nash Equilibrium in a best response dynamic game playing process, which further indicates that the stable system state can be reached in practice where end users dynamically adjusting their strategies in the process of competing for edge computing resources provided by server nodes.




  • 31-Analysis of Multiple Clients’ Behaviors in Edge Computing Environment.pdf

  • 上一条: Z. Kuang, G. Liu, G. Li and X. Deng, "Energy Efficient Resource Allocation Algorithm in Energy Harvesting-Based D2D Heterogeneous Networks," in IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 557-567, Feb. 2019, doi: 10.1109/JIOT.2018.2842738. (中科院 1区)

    下一条: X. Deng , J. Li , Y. Ma , et al. Allocation of edge computing tasks for UAV-aided target tracking[J]. Computer Communications, 2023, 201: 123-130.