
An Optimized Choice of UCPML to Truncate Lattices With Rotated Staggered Grid Scheme for Ground Penetrating Radar Simulation


  • Release time:2019-11-21

  • Impact Factor:5.63

  • DOI number:10.1109/TGRS.2019.2922509

  • Affiliation of Author(s):the School of Geosciences and Info-Physics, Central South University, Changsha 410083, China

  • Teaching and Research Group:Applied Geophysics

  • Journal:IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing

  • Place of Publication:UNITED STATES

  • Funded by:41704128,41774132, 41874148, 41474007,2018M632992,2018JJ3636, 2017JJ2315,201423,2016152

  • Key Words:Global reflection error, ground penetrating radar (GPR), optimized order polynomial variation,...

  • Abstract:Efficient and accurate simulation of ground penetrating radar (GPR) in the open region helps immensely in both grasping the features of echoes and facilitating the interpretation of real GPR data. Due to the limitation of the computer model,however, the strong artificial boundary reflections, especially the low-frequency propagating waves encountered at the late stage of simulation greatly affect the simulation accuracy of GPR. This paper presents an innovative optimized unsplit-field convolutional perfectly matched layer (UCPML) based on rotated staggered grid (RSG) scheme to truncate ...

  • Co-author:尹小波, 李志伟, 孙娅, 王珣

  • First Author:张彬

  • Indexed by:Applied Research

  • Correspondence Author:戴前伟, 冯德山

  • Document Code:DOI: 10.1109/TGRS.2019.2922509

  • Discipline:地质资源与地质工程

  • Document Type:J

  • Volume:57

  • Issue:11

  • Page Number:8695-8706

  • ISSN No.:0196-2892

  • Translation or Not:no

  • Date of Publication:2019-07-02

  • Included Journals:SCI

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