
The application of the improved linear transformation of the difference reverse-time migration in the GPRdata processing


  • Release time:2020-08-09

  • Journal:Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Environmental and Engineering Geophysics

  • Key Words:GPR;linear transformation;finite difference;reverse-time migration;media with "variable velocity

  • Abstract:Focused on the GPR(Ground Penetrating Radar)migration problem of steep-dip reflection and the extrapolation in laterally inhomogeneous media, to which conventional GPR migration method is difficult to adapt, which is always the focal point of the GPR data processing, the paper introduce the linear transformation of the finite difference migration, which is proposed by Zhiming Li in his doctor thesis and is essentially different from the Cartesian coordinates or the time-retarded coordinates, through a more accurate and stable computation, a no approximate equation is obtained in constant-velocity media, with the essentially different difference grid and boundary conditions,to achieve steep-dip reflection migration, then the paper extends the application to a variable-velocity geoelectric model to improve the former algorithm, with a errors factor added, the improved method is applied to a more complicated variable-velocity model, the migration imaging results shows the advantage of the improved linear transformation of the migration algorithm which is more flexibie in dealing with the geological problem with the main reflector and multiple reflection particles both exist.

  • Co-author:陈德鹏, 张彬, 冯德山

  • First Author:ZHOU Wenbin

  • Discipline:地质资源与地质工程

  • Page Number:618~625

  • Translation or Not:no

  • Date of Publication:2010-06-14

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