
The GPR reverse time migration processing research build upon multi -resolution of wavelet


  • Release time:2020-08-09

  • Affiliation of Author(s):中南大学地球科学与信息物理学院

  • Teaching and Research Group:中南大学应用地球物理系

  • Journal:Proceeding of the 8th China International Geo-Electromagnetic

  • Place of Publication:中国

  • Key Words:ground penetrating radar;multi-resolution of wavelets;wave equation;migration

  • Abstract:The essence of two-dimension radar data carrying on first level or multilevel wavelet multi-resolution decomposition is elaborated. It laid a theory foundation for multi-resolution of wavelets reverse time migration algorithm. Then, setting out from Max well equation, utilizing the wavelet multi-resolution decomposition theory and central difference format, it deduces multi-resolution of wavelets reverse time migration algorithm of GPR. Base on this, it develops the corresponding processing program. Through contrasting the radar data processing result of regulations Kirchhoff integration migration algorithm and 15 finite difference migration algorithm it could leamn that the multi-resolution of wavelets reverse time migration algorithm of GPR has many advantages such as, reflection wave return to original position more accurate. migration.outcome more precision, imaging effect better, without any limit to migration angle of inclination.and strong adaptability to noise. It is thus clear that the resolution of the radar section could be enhanced highly by the algorithm, and it could instruct the geololy explanation of GPR section better.

  • Co-author:戴前伟

  • First Author:冯德山

  • Page Number:147~152

  • Translation or Not:no

  • Date of Publication:2007-10-01

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