


  • Release time:2019-11-21

  • Faculty/School:中南大学

  • Teaching and Research Group:中南大学地球科学与信息物理学院

  • Publisher:中南大学出版社

  • Place of Publication:湖南省长沙市

  • Supported By:41704128,41774132,41374118,2018JJ3636,2017JJ2315..

  • School Sign:中南大学

  • The First Author:张彬

  • Type of Works:Works

  • Publication Design:Local publishing house

  • Classification of Disciplines:地质资源与地质工程

  • ISBN No.:978-7-5487-3258-7

  • Translated or Not:no

  • Number of Words:203000

  • Date of Publication:2018-11-01

  • Co-author:戴前伟,冯德山

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