On the Extended Hypergeometric Matrix Functions and Their Applications for the Derivatives of the Extended Jacobi Matrix Polynomial
Release time:2020-03-25
DOI number:10.1155/2020/4268361
Affiliation of Author(s):数学与统计学院
Journal:Mathematical Problems in Engineering
Abstract:In this paper, we obtain some generating matrix functions and integral representations for the extended Gauss hypergeometric matrix function EGHMF and their special cases are also given. Furthermore, a specific application for the extended Gauss hypergeometric matrix function which includes Jacobi matrix polynomials is constructed.
Co-author:Fuli He, Ahmed Bakhet, M. Abdalla, M. Hidan
Indexed by:Unit Twenty Basic Research
Document Code:4268361
Page Number:1-8
Translation or Not:no
Date of Publication:2020-03-24
Included Journals:SCI