Impact Factor:2.561
DOI number:10.1111/jan.14440
Affiliation of Author(s):中南大学
Journal:Journal of Advanced Nursing
Place of Publication:英国
Key Words:blood glucose screening; gestational diabetes mellitus; nursing; postpartum; rural; women.
Abstract:Aims: The aims of the present study were: a) to investigate the current state of postpartum glucose screening in rural China; and b) to explore the factors influencing postpartum blood glucose screening among women with prior GDM based on Andersen's behavioural model of health service use. Design: A multisite, cross-sectional study design, conducted from November 2017 to January 2018. Methods: A total of 465 women with prior GDM were included from two county-level hospitals in rural China. The potential influencing factors for postpartum blood glucose screening based on Andersen's behavioural model, including predisposing, enabling, and need factors, were collected by self-reported questionnaires. Chi-square tests and logistic regression were used to explore the influence of these factors on whether screening of blood glucose level after delivery occurred. Results: The mean age of the women was 31.92 years old (SD 5.16) and the mean time after delivery was 16.73 months (SD 15.07). The postpartum glucose screening proportion was 32.7%. Women who did not have a full-time job (p= .011) (predisposing factor), had not received any treatment for GDM (p= .002), and were not informed about screening plans for diabetes by health professionals (p < .001) (enabling factor) were less likely to engage in postpartum glucose screening. The need factor, high actual risk of developing type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM), was not associated with postpartum blood glucose screening (p> .05). Conclusions: In rural China, most women with prior GDM were not screened for T2DM after delivery. The women with prior GDM who did not have a full-time job or had not received any prior treatment for GDM should be the target population for health education on postpartum glucose screening. Impact: There is a need for data on postpartum blood glucose testing rates among rural women. Future interventions aimed at increasing postpartum blood glucose screening are needed.
Note:Q1区(published online ahead of print)
Co-author:Qing Long, Jundi Yang, Jiaxin Luo, Shuangyan Yang, Xiangxin Li, Ping Mao, Jyu-Lin Chen
First Author:Yujia Tang
Indexed by:Journal paper
Correspondence Author:Jia Guo
Document Type:J
Translation or Not:no
Included Journals:SCI