Li Kuang, Xiang Tang, MeiQi Yu, Yujian Huang, Kehua Guo. A comprehensive ranking model for tweets big data in online social network. EURASIP J. Wirel. Commun. Netw. 2016: 46 (2016)
上一条: Yujian Huang, Kehua Guo(通讯), Yayuan Tang, Lili Zhu. UDPF: A unified data provision framework for developing dynamic resource-oriented embedded applications. Journal of Systems Architecture, 77: 52-62 (2017)
下一条: Kehua Guo, Yizhe Xiao, Guihua Duan. A cost-efficient architecture for the campus information system based on transparent computing platform.International Journal of Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing, 21(2): 95-103 (2016)