Xiangyuan Zhu, Kehua Guo(通讯), Tian Qiu, et al. Stereoscopic Image Super-Resolution with Interactive Memory Learning. Expert Systems With Applications, 2023.(Q1,IF=8.665)
上一条: Kehua Guo, Tao Xu, Xiaoyan Kui, Ruifang Zhang, Tao Chi. iFusion: Towards efficient intelligence fusion for deep learning from real-time and heterogeneous data. Information Fusion, 2019, 51: 215-223.(IF=17.564, Q1)
下一条: Kehua Guo, Jie Chen, Tian Qiu, Shaojun Guo, Tao Luo, Tianyu Chen, Sheng Ren. MedGAN: An adaptive GAN approach for medical image generation. Computers in Biology and Medicine, 2023.