Identification of the Forensically Important Sarcophagid Flies Boerttcherisca Peregrina, Parasarcophaga Albiceps and Parasarcophaga Dux (Diptera: Sarcophagidae) Based on COII Gene in China
Release time:2021-04-21
Journal:Trop Biomed
Co-author:X Li, F Xiong, R N Su, F L Chen, Q L Liu, X H Wang, Y F Chang, M Zhong, X Wang, J F Wen
First Author:Guo YD
Indexed by:Article
Correspondence Author:Cai JF
Document Type:2010-12-01
Page Number:451-60
ISSN No.:0127-5720
Translation or Not:no
Date of Publication:2010-12-01