Affiliation of Author(s):中南大学资源加工与生物工程学院
Journal:Minerals Engineering
Place of Publication:英国
Key Words:Pb-BHA complexesFatty acidScheeliteFluoritePetrov's processWater treatment
Abstract:It is difficult to separate scheelite especially from fluorite with fatty acid collectors because the adsorption mechanism of these collectors occurs through chemisorption of the oleate ion onto the mineral surface. A simplified flotation process using Pb-BHA complexes was developed to replace the energy-inefficient Petrov’s process of using a fatty acid, increasing the recovery of scheelite and reducing the cost. The relationship between surface chemical properties (crystal chemistry, solubility, and Zeta potential) of minerals and flotation by using a fatty acid or Pb-BHA complexes was studi
Co-author:Wei Zhao, Xing Yaowen, Gui Xiahui, Tang Honghu, Anh V.Nguyen, Sun Wei, Hu Yuehua, Xiao Yao, Han haisheng
Indexed by:Unit Twenty Basic Research
Document Code:2
Document Type:J
ISSN No.:0892-6875
Translation or Not:no