Research Group
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韩凯,博士生导师,湖南省杰青,湖南省青年骨干教师,美国Northwestern University国家公派联培博士,粉末冶金国家重点实验室博士后/固定研究人员,湖南省先进储能和移动电源工程技术研究中心副主任,首批湖南省“智汇潇湘”博士智囊团成员,获湖南省第十六届青年化学化工奖、第九届石油化工优秀工程师奖,担任《Advanced Powder Materials》、《Rare Metals》、《稀有金属》、《有色金属科学与工程》等学术期刊青年编委,锰资源高效清洁利用湖南省重点实验室与化学电源湖南省重点实验室核心骨干。 先后主持国家重点研发计划项目子课题、国家自然科学基金、湖南省自然科学基金、中国博士后科学基金特别资助以及校企产学研项目等10余项。以第一或通讯作者在Advanced Functional Materials、Advanced Energy Materials、Chemical Engineering Journal、Journal of Membrane Science等国内外权威期刊发表论文60余篇(ESI Top 1%高被引论文6篇),获国产卓越期刊Journal of Energy Chemistry Best Paper Award,授权国家发明专利12项,长期担任ACS Nano、Energy & Environmental Science、Journal of Materials Chemistry A等期刊审稿人。 主讲本科生课程《化工系统工程》与《化工厂设计基础》,研究生课程《膜材料设计与应用》,主编出版《化工系统工程》,获国家级教学成3.果二等奖、中南大学教学成果奖、中南大学“十佳讲课”、中南大学微党课竞赛一等奖等奖励。指导本科生、硕士生开展国家级大学生创新项目10余项,主持中南大学研究生教育教学改革研究项目、本科生教育教学改革研究项目、深化创新创业教育改革研究项目3项。指导学生获全国大学生化工设计竞赛特等奖、中国大学生Chem-E-Car竞赛一等奖与金轮胎奖、全国大学生化学电源作品设计大赛二等奖等学科竞赛国家级奖励20余项,获中国化工学会学科竞赛优秀指导教师、全国石油和化工教育优秀教学团队、湖南省化学化工学会优秀指导教师团队、中南大学青年岗位能手、十佳青年、优秀班导师等。 主要研究领域:新能源材料及其化工过程 具体研究方向: (1)锂离子电池锰系正极、硅基负极材料 (2)功能膜:固态电池聚合物基固态电解质膜、太阳能界面蒸发光热转换分离膜 (3)低维材料(二维石墨烯/MXene、一维碳纳米管/金属纳米线)的制备与应用
1. 国家重点研发计划项目子课题,2023YFC3207000,2023-2027. 2. 湖南省杰出青年科学基金项目,2023JJ10062,2023-2025. 3. 湖南省湘西州技术攻关“揭榜挂帅”项目,2022JBGS0006,2023-2025. 4. 胜华新材料科技(眉山)有限公司,2022-2027. 5. 山西省朔州市“揭榜挂帅”项目/三元炭素有限公司,2021-2023. 6. 粉末冶金国家重点实验室研究课题,2022-2024. 7. 湖南省自然科学基金面上项目,2020JJ4107,2020-2022. 8. 中南大学创新驱动计划,2020CX037,2020-2022. 9. 国家自然科学基金,21706292,2018-2020. 10. 湖南省自然科学基金,2017JJ3376,2017-2019. 11. 中国博士后科学基金特别资助,2016T90758,2016-2018. 12. 中国博士后科学基金面上项目,2015M582342,2015-2017. 部分学术论文:(Researcher ID: P-2493-2016;ORCID: 0000-0001-7713-2966)
1. Flexible Janus black silicon photothermal conversion membranes for highly efficient solar-driven interfacial water purification, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2024, 16, 26153–26166 2. Advanced micro/nanostructures silicon-based anode materials for high-energy lithium-ion batteries: From liquid- to solid-state batteries, Energy & Fuels, 2024, 38, 7693-7732 3. Nb2CTx MXene boosting PEO polymer electrolyte for all-solid-state Li-S batteries: two birds with one stone strategy to enhance Li+ conductivity and polysulfide adsorptivity, Rare Metals, 2023, 42, 2562 (Cover Story) 4. Optimization of Sr-doping boosting the structural stability for single crystalline LiNi0.8Co0.1Mn0.1O2 cathode to enhance its electrochemical performance at elevated voltage and temperature. Journal of Power Sources, 2022, 545, 231915 5. Dual-site single-atom catalysts with high performance for three-way catalysis, Advanced Materials, 2022, 34, 2201859 6. Natural halloysite nanotubes coated commercial paper or waste newspaper as highly-thermal-stable separator for lithium-ion batteries, Advanced Materials Technologies, 2022, 2200075 7. Two-dimensional graphitic carbon nitride-based membranes for filtration process: Progresses and challenges, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2022, 427, 130955 8. Facile electrochemical microbiosensor based on in situ self-assembly of Ag nanoparticles coated on Ti3C2Tx for in vivo measurements of chloride ions in the PD mouse brain, Analytical Chemistry, 2021, 93, 7647-7656 9. Polarized nucleation and efficient decomposition of Li2O2 for Ti2C MXene cathode catalyst under a mixed surface condition in lithium-oxygen batteries, Energy Storage Materials, 2021, 35, 669-678. 10. Polymerization inspired synthesis of MnO@carbon nanowires with long cycling stability for lithium ion battery anodes: growth mechanism and electrochemical performance, Dalton Transactions, 2021, 50, 535. 11. Chessboard-like silicon/graphite anodes with high cycling stability toward practical lithium-ion batteries, ACS Applied Energy Materials, 2021, 4, 775-783. 12. Highly efficient Nb2C MXene cathode catalyst with uniform O-terminated surface for lithium-oxygen batteries, Advanced Energy Materials, 2020, 2002721. 13. Ultra-lightweight Ti3C2Tx MXene modified separator for Li-S batteries: Thickness regulation enabled polysulfide inhibition and lithium ion transportation, Journal of Energy Chemistry, 2020, 42, 116-125. (JEC Best Paper Award) 14. Crumpled two-dimensional Ti3C2Tx MXene lamellar membranes for solvent permeation and separation, ACS Applied Nano Materials, 2020, 3, 1526-1534. 15. Chemically anchoring of SeS2 on fluoro-substituted covalent organic framework as a high-performance cathode material, Chemical Communication, 2019, 55, 13247 - 13250. 16. Two-dimensional graphene oxide/MXene composite lamellar membranes for efficient solvent permeation and molecular separation, Journal of Membrane Science, 2019, 582, 414-422. 17.Sulfur confinement in a covalent organic framework for application in lithium-sulfur battery, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2018, 10(49): 42233-42240. 18. Graphene oxide/triethanolamine modified titanate nanowires as photocatalytic membrane for water treatment, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2017, 320: 74-80. 19. Graphene oxide for high-efficiency separation membranes: Role of electrostatic interactions, Carbon, 2016, 110: 56-61. 20. A free-standing and ultralong-life lithium-selenium battery cathode enabled by 3D mesoporous carbon/graphene hierarchical architecture, Advanced Functional Materials, 2015, 25(3): 455-463. 授权国家发明专利: 1. 一种复合固态电解质及其制备方法和应用,ZL 202111148220.5 2. 一种光热转换膜及其制备方法和应用,ZL 202110994225.3 3. 一种铁基光热转换膜及其制备方法和应用,ZL 202310864575.7 4. 一种基于含氮杂环离子液体的聚合物复合隔膜及其锂硫电池应用,ZL 202210280656.8 5. 锂硫电池正极材料及其制备方法,ZL201811189810.0 6. 锂硫电池正极复合材料及其制备方法,ZL201811189828.0 7. 一种钼酸铵/聚多巴胺复合材料及其制备方法和应用,ZL201910807580.8 8. 一种具有高水相稳定性的自支撑氧化石墨烯薄膜的制备方法,ZL 201710106754.9 9. 一种锂离子电池纳米硅/多孔碳复合负极材料及其制备方法和应用,ZL 201710104531.9 10. 一种硅/PEDOT复合材料及其制备方法和作为锂离子电池负极材料的应用,ZL 201710435945.X 11. 一种锂离子电池硅/碳复合负极材料及其原位制备方法和应用,ZL 201610666291.7 12. 一种改性石墨烯负载二氧化钛复合光催化剂的制备方法,ZL 201510133238.6 联系方式 1. 邮编: 410083 2. 通讯/办公地址: 湖南省长沙市岳麓区中南大学新校区化学化工学院330 3. 移动电话: 13487570630 4. 邮箱: 欢迎加入研究团队(本科生、硕士/博士研究生、博士后以及科研助理),欢迎交流合作!ENJOY SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY