Elementary analysis on the bed-sediment entrainment by debris flow and its application using the TopFlowDF model
Release time:2018-06-13
Journal:Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk
Abstract:The Geographic Information System (GIS)-based TopFlowDF model is an effective simulation tool to analyse the debris-flow propagation on the fan. It has been validated in the previous research works and shows a satisfactory accuracy. We review the framework of the model in this paper and discuss that the simulation results are rather sensitive to the input conditions (e.g. the user-defined start point and debris-flow volume). In fact, previous studies have elucidated that sediment entrainment by debris flow conspicuously influences these input conditions. In this paper, we develop an elementary
Co-author:He Y, Li Y.G., Chen G.Q., Han Z.
Document Code:http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/19475705.2014.966868
Document Type:J
Page Number:764-785. (ESI高被引论文)
Translation or Not:no
Date of Publication:2017-06-13
(5) Geomatic, Natural Hazards and Risk.pdf