
Standardization of Qestionnaire Survey: Necessity, Dilemma and Solution


  • Release time:2021-09-07

  • Journal:Journal of Social Science of Hunan Normal

  • Place of Publication:长沙

  • Abstract:As a common survey method in modern society, the standardization of questionnaire survey is an important embodiment of the mature development of questionnaire survey, a basic project for academic exchange and development, and an effective way to standardize practical work. At present, the standardization of questionnaire survey is insufficient in the work progress of professional organizations, the consciousness and integrity of research, etc. At the same time, excessive pursuit of standardization would erode the autonomy of research and impact the desire of localization. On the basis of survey practices, we have explored a set of standardized process and promotion measures of questionnaire survey practice from the operation outlet, and pointed out the two standardized development trends: professional technicalization and artificial intellectualization, with a expectation to construct the standardized questionnaire survey technical standard with Chinese characteristics.

  • Note:董海军,李希雨.问卷调查的标准化:必要性、困境与出路[J].湖南师范大学社会科学学报,2021(02):135-143. 《新华文摘》2021年第16期全文转摘P18-21,人大复印资料《社会学》(1001-344X)2021年第7期全文转载39-47.

  • Indexed by:Journal paper

  • Document Type:J

  • Issue:2

  • Translation or Not:no

  • Date of Publication:2021-04-20

  • Attachments:

  • 新华文摘全摘202116.jpg   
Haijun Dong, Department of Sociology, CSU Click:
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