Journal Publications
- [61]侯木舟., 刘桃花.带有分数阶边界条件的一维Riesz分数阶扩散方程差分方法.四川大学学报,, 2018,55(5) (:941-946.)
- [62]侯木舟 罗跃逸 吴亚兰 叶志坚 沈壮 翁福添 吴广成 杨璐 邓佳玉.A Shared Experiment Design Based on CMB Receptor Model and PM2.5 Source Apportionment Calculation.Mathematics Theory and Applications, 2015, 35 (4) : 118-123.
- [63]侯木舟.The Research of Classroom Teaching Based on Information and Communication Model.Mathematical Theory and Applications, 2012, 31 (2) : 61-63.
- [64]韩旭里, 侯木舟.Stock Pr ice Prediction with Neura l Network Ba sed on M ATLAB.Systems Engineering, 2003, 21 (2) : 112-115.
- [65]侯木舟, 袁修贵.The application of wavelets on stock analysis.J . CENT. SOUTH UNIV. TECHNOL., 2002, 33 (1) : 103-105.
Hou Muzhou
