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粉末冶金材料相关的研究工作发表在 Advanced Materials, Applied Catalysis B, Chemical Communications, ACS Catalysis, Journal of Materials Science & Technology, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, Corrosion Science等期刊上。以第一和通讯作者(完成人)获先进金属间化合物与金属材料国际研讨会最佳论文奖,湖南省自然科学奖二等奖,SCI论文40余篇,授权国家发明专利20余项。



1. 祝贺何真丽博士研究生在电解水制氢电催化材料的粉末冶金便捷制备和应用方面的工作(Monolithic-structured nickel silicide electrocatalyst for bifunctionally efficient overall water splitting),获得2025年度国际埃尼奖(2025 Edition of the Eni Award Prize)的提名和邀请。

2. 祝贺何真丽博士研究生在多孔Si基金属间化合物电催化材料方面的研究发表在环境科学顶刊Applied Catalysis B: Environmental (IF22.1)。

Zhenli He, et al. Monolithic-structured nickel silicide electrocatalyst for bifunctionally efficient overall water splitting. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2024, 342: 123386. 可规模化制备的粉末冶金多孔材料应用于电解电催化领域。

祝贺赵乾硕士研究生在Fe基粉末冶金多孔电催化材料及其改性方面的工作发表在Chemical Communications (自然指数期刊)。

Zhao Qian, et al. Hierarchical iron-nickel oxyhydroxide nanosheets directly grown on porous TiFe2-based intermetallics for robust oxygen evolution. Chemical Communications, 2023, 59: 4519-4522.

祝贺邱悦硕士研究生在Ni基粉末冶金多孔材料应用于电解水制氢方面的工作发表在Chemical Communications (自然指数期刊)。

Qiu Yue, et al. Porous TiNi3-based intermetallics as active and robust monolith catalysts for hydrogen evolution. Chemical Communications, 2022, 58, 13943-13946.

3. 祝贺沈波涛博士在Fe基粉末冶金多孔材料方面的研究工作发表在Journal of Colloid and Interface Science (IF9.9)。

Shen Botao, et al. Porous Fe5Si3 intermetallic anode for the oxygen evolution reaction in acidic electrolytes. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2022, 605: 637-647.


1. 电解水制氢电催化材料

[1] Zhenli He, Yuehui He, Yue Qiu, Qian Zhao, Zhonghe Wang, Xiyue Kang, Linping Yu, Liang Wu, Yao Jiang*. Monolithic-structured nickel silicide electrocatalyst for bifunctionally efficient overall water splitting. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2024, 342: 123386. (IF22.1)

[2] Qian Zhao, Zhenli He, Yuehui He, Yue Qiu, Zhonghe Wang, Yao Jiang*. Hierarchical iron-nickel oxyhydroxide nanosheets directly grown on porous TiFe2-based intermetallics for robust oxygen evolution. Chemical Communications, 2023, 59: 4519-4522. (Nature Index)

[3] Yue Qiu, Zhenli He, Yuehui He, Qian Zhao, Zhonghe Wang, Yao Jiang*. Porous TiNi3-based intermetallics as active and robust monolith catalysts for hydrogen evolution.  Chemical Communications, 2022, 58, 13943-13946. (Nature Index)

2. 粉末冶金多孔材料

[1] Jiang Yao*, He Yuehui, Gao Haiyan. Recent progress in porous intermetallics: Synthesis mechanism, pore structure, and material properties. Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 2021, 74: 89-104. (Invited Review)

[2] Liu Xinli, Zhang Huibin, Jiang Yao*, He Yuehui. Characterization and application of porous Ti3SiC2 ceramic prepared through reactive synthesis. Materials and Design, 2015, 79: 94-98.

[3] Yuehui He, Yao Jiang, Nanping Xu, Jin Zou*, Baiyun Huang, Chain T Liu, Peter K Liaw. Fabrication of Ti-Al Micro/Nanometer-Sized Porous Alloys through the Kirkendall Effect. Advanced Materials, 2007, 19: 2102-2106.

3. 超硬材料、硬质合金、金属陶瓷、高速钢等粉末冶金工具材料

[1] Zhang M M, Jiang Y*, Lin N*, Kang X Y, Yan Y, Huang J H, Liu Y, Qiu S, He Y H*. Investigation of the oxidation behavior and high oxidation-resistant mechanism of Ti(C,N)-based cermets. Corrosion Science, 2020, 177: 108959.

[2] Qiankun Zhang, Yao Jiang, Weijun Shen, Huibin Zhang, Yuehui He*, Nan Lin, C T Liu, Han Huang, Xiaolin Huang. Direct fabrication of high-performance high speed steel products enhanced by LaB6. Materials and Design, 2016, 112: 469-478.

[3] N Lin, Y Jiang*, D F Zhang, C H Wu, Y H He, D H Xiao. Effect of Cu, Ni on the property and microstructure of ultrafine WC-10Co alloys by Sinter-Hipping. International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials, 2011, 29(4): 509-515.


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