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Journal Publications
[341]崔伟宏, 朱建军, 2002-符海芳.3D GIS数据模型的研究[J]. 地球信息科学学报, 2002, 4(2):45-49
[342]等, 朱建军, 邹峥嵘, 2002-余加勇.电子水准仪与计算机的数据通讯[J]. 测绘通报, 2002(1):57-59
[343]朱建军, 2002-周晓光.数字城市建设的总体设计方法研究——以数字长沙的总体设计为例[J]. 矿山测量, 2002(1):53-54
[344]贺跃光, 朱建军, 2002-邱斌.GPS在大地及工程变形观测中的应用[J]. 矿冶工程, 2002, 22(2):16-19
[345]朱建军, 2002-贺跃光.露天矿边坡移动监测方法[J]. 新疆有色金属, 2002, 25(1):44-47
[346]符海华, 郭光明, 2002-朱建军.边坡变形测量资料的分析[J]. 矿冶工程, 2002, 22(1):22-23
[347]Santerre R., 2002-Zhu J.Improvement of GPS phase ambiguity resolution using prior height information as a quasi-observa-tion[C]// International Water Management Institute, 2002
[348]Rock S., 2002-Zhu J J.Improvement of GPS ambiguity resolution using prior height information. Part II: The method of using quasi observation[J]. Journal of Central South University, 2002, 9(4):260-266
[349]Rock S., 2002-Zhu J J.Improvement of GPS ambiguity resolution using prior height information. Part I: The method by using height validation[J]. Journal of Central South University, 2002, 9(3):186-190
[350]朱建军等, 丁晓利, 陈永奇, 2001-黄丁发.GPS高层建筑物常荷载振动测试的小波分析[J]. 振动与冲击, 2001, 20(1):12-15
[351]朱建军, 2001-高久平.岳阳洞庭湖大桥斜拉索钢导管定位测量[J]. 中南公路工程,2001,(03):38-40
[352]朱建军, 2001-王志忠.方差分量的MINQUE通用公式[J]. 中南大学学报(自然科学版), 2001, 32(4):433-436
[353]et al., Zhu J J, Chen Y Q, 2001-Ding X L.Modelling of Landslides Based on Monitoring Data and the Dynamics of Slopes[J]. Fig Symposium, 2001
[354]朱建军, 2001-李志伟.非线性模型的非线性强度及其在变形分析中的应用[J]. 中南大学学报(自然科学版), 2001, 32(4):339-343
[355]et al., Zhu J J, Li T, 2001-Li Z W.SCGM(1,m)_c model with time-lag and its application in deformation analysis[J]. Journal of Central South University, 2001, 8(1):40-44
[356]Chen Y., Ding X, 2001-Zhu J.Maximum-likelihood ambiguity resolution based on Bayesian principle[J]. Journal of Geodesy, 2001, 75(4):175-187
[357]Y.Q, Chen, Ding. X.L, 2001-Zhu J.J.Dynamic model for landsliding monitoring under rigid body assumption[J]. 中国有色金属学报(英文版), 2001, 11(2):301-306
[358]朱建军, 黄力民, 2001-李朝奎.现代测量误差概念的内涵与外延[J]. 工程勘察,2000,(02):28-30+58
[359]朱建军, 李朝奎, 2000-王志忠.异常影响诊断的统计量[J]. 湘潭矿业学院学报,2000,(01):83-87
[360]朱建军, 李朝奎, 2000-傅明.线性空间与非线性函数空间测量平差效果比较[J]. 中南工业大学学报(自然科学版),2000,(05):392-395
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