Li, G., Y. Yang, F. Niu, M. Chen (2021). 3-D sedimentary structures beneath southeastern Australia constrained by passive seismic array data, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 126,e2020JB019998.
上一条: Li, G., F. Niu, Y. Yang, K. Tao (2019). Joint inversion of surface wave phase velocity, particle motion and teleseismic body wave data for sedimentary structures, Geophysical Research Letters,46.
下一条: Miao, W., F. Niu, G. Li, A. & Levander (2021). Sedimentary and crustal structure of the US Gulf Coastal Plain revealed by Rayleigh wave and receiver function data and some implications for continental rifting, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 577, 117257.