
祝贺孟凡悦论文“Mechanochemical Activation of Natural Metal Sulfide Minerals for Vapor-Phase Mercury Immobilization”被Separation and Purification Technology(IF:8.6)接收发表!


  • Release time:2023-08-01

  • Description of Publication:Man-made metal sulfides (MSs) have been proven to be effective traps for permanent elemental mercury (Hg0) immobilization from anthropogenic sources. However, the fabrication of MSs generally involves complex steps and adopts hazardous precursors, hence compromising its cost-effectiveness and environmental-friendliness. Herein, a mild mechanochemical approach under a solid state with the aid of cupric chloride (CuCl2) was developed to modify pyrrhotite (Fe7S8) from calcination of natural pyrite for Hg0 capture from flue gas. After the CuCl2 aided ball-milling, the Hg0 adsorption capacity of the CuCl2 modified pyrrhotite (CuCl2@Fe7S8) reached as high as 283.3 mg·g-1, approximately 400 folds higher than that of raw pyrrhotite. The excellent resistance to temperature fluctuation and flue gas interference and its magnetic separation recyclability warrant the application of CuCl2@Fe7S8 in real-world conditions.

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