
祝贺郑娇琴论文“Self-Constructing 100% Water-Resistant MetalSulfides through In-Situ Acid Etching for Effective Elemental Mercury (Hg0) Capture”被Langmuir(IF:3.9)接收发表!


  • Release time:2023-11-20

  • Description of Publication:Metal sulfides (MSs) can efficiently entrap thiophilic components like elemental mercury (Hg0) and realize environmental remediation. However, there is still a critical problem challenges the extensive application of MSs in related areas, i.e., how to self-regulate their water (H2O) resistance without complexing the sorbent preparation procedure. This work for the first time developed an in-situ acid etching method that self-engineered the water affinity of MSs through changing the interfacial interaction between MSs and Hg0/H2O. The introduction of abundant under-coordinated sulfur onto the sorbent surface was the primary reason accounting for the significantly improved H2O resistance. The highly water-resistant and cost-effective MSs as prepared can serve efficient Hg0 removal from industrial flue gas in the future.

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