Li J, Slesarenko V, Rudykh S*. Microscopic instabilities and elastic wave propagation in finitely deformed laminates with compressible hyperelastic phases. Eur J Mech - A/Solids 2019;73:126-36. (中科院二区, IF: 4.220)
上一条: Li J, Rudykh S*. Tunable microstructure transformations and auxetic behavior in 3D-printed multiphase composites: the role of inclusion distribution. Compos Part B Eng 2019;172: 352-362. (中科院一区,top期刊, IF: 9.078)
下一条: Li J, Gao GJ*, Yu Y, Guan W. Experimental and numerical study on splitting process of circular steel tube with enhanced crashworthiness performance. Thin-Walled Struct 2019;145:106406. (中科院一区,top期刊, IF: 4.442)