Lin H, Li S, Zhang X. Macro-micro failure and crack coalescence behavior of soft-hard composite rock with three parallel joints under uniaxial compression. Journal of Materials Research and Technology. 2024.doi:
Pre One:Tang Y, Lin H, Li S, Chen Y, Ou K, Xie L. Numerical study of rock bridge shape identification and rock bridge damage mechanism. Computational Particle Mechanics. 2024.doi:10.1007/s40571-024-00732-z.
Next One:Li S, Lin H*, Lin Q-b, Wang Y-x, Zhao Y-l, Hu H-h. Mechanical behavior and failure characteristics of double-layer composite rock-like specimens with two coplanar joints under uniaxial loading. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China. 2023;33:2815-31.doi: