Electronic link:https://www.cambridge.org/core/books/computational-design-of-engineering-materials/D52AE10C55354684F440DCD30400D594
Publisher:Cambridge University Press
Description of Publication:Introducing state-of-the art computational methods, this book combines detailed explanations with real-world case studies to give a full grounding in the design of engineering materials. This book presents a wide spectrum of key computational methods, such as CALPHAD-method, first-principles calculations, phase-field simulation and finite element analysis, covering the atomic-meso-macro scale range. The reader will see these methods applied to case studies for steel, light alloys, superalloys, cemented carbides, hard coating and energy materials, demonstrating in detail how real-world materials are designed. Online ancillary material includes input files for computational design software, providing the reader with hands-on design experience. Step-by-step instructions will allow you to perform and repeat the simulations discussed in the book. Aimed at both graduate and undergraduate students as well as non-specialist researchers in materials science and engineering.
Type of Works:Monograph
Publication Design:Foreign (overseas) publishing house
Translated or Not:yes
Co-author:Shuhong Liu