Yujiao Cui, Hua Han, Yonglu Liu*, Guo Xu, Mei Su and Siming Xie, “An Efficiency-Improved Single-Phase PFC Rectifier With Active Power Decoupling,” IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, doi: 10.1109/TPEL.2022.3160242
Pre One:Yonglu Liu, Zhengmao Yang, Xubin Liu, Hanbing Dan, Wenjing Xiong, Tao Ling & Mei Su ,"Weighting factor design based on SVR–MOPSO for finite set MPC operated power electronic converters." J. Power Electron. (2022).
Next One:Yonglu liu, mao xiangxu,wang hui,xu guo, xiong wenjing, liu xubin, su mei,. Robust DC-link Voltage-Balancing Strategy Based on Model Predictive Control[J]. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, 2022.