Yonglu Liu, Yao Sun, Mei Su,?A Control Method for Bridgeless Cuk/Sepic PFC Rectifier to Achieve Power Decoupling,?IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics?, vol.64, no.9, pp.7272-7276, Sep. 2017.
Pre One:Yonglu Liu, Yao Sun, Mei Su, Fulin Liu,?"Control Method for the Sheppard–Taylor PFC Rectifier to Reduce Capacitance Requirements," IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol.33, no. 03, pp.2714-2722, Mar. 2018.
Next One:Yonglu Liu, Yao Sun, Mei Su, "A Family of Two-Port Switching Networks with Ripple Power Decoupling and Output Voltage Step-Up Functions," IET Power Electronics, vol. 10, no. 10, pp. 1175-1182, Aug. 2017.