Yao Sun, Yonglu Liu, Mei Su, Hua Han, Xing Li, Xin Li."Topology and Control of a Split-Capacitor FourWire Current Source Inverter With Leakage Current Suppression Capability,"?IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol.33, pp.10803-10814, 2018.
上一条:Min Zhou, Yao Sun, Mei Su, Xing Li, Jianheng Lin, Jian Liang, Yonglu Liu."Transformer-less dynamic voltage restorer based on a three-leg ac/ac converter,"?IET power electronics, vol. 11, no. 13, pp. 2045-2052, Nov. 2018.
下一条:Yonglu Liu, Yao Sun, Mei Su, Min Zhou, Qi Zhu, Xing Li.A Single-Phase PFC Rectifier With Wide Output Voltage and Low Frequency Ripple Power Decoupling,IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics,?vol. 33, no.6, pp.5076-5086, Jun. 2018.