Language : English

Journal Publications

Suzuki Segregation in Co–Ni-based Superalloy at 973 K: an experimental and computational study by phase-field simulation

Impact Factor:8.203

DOI number:10.1016/j.actamat.2012.01.054

Affiliation of Author(s):Cent S Univ

Journal:Acta Mater

Co-author:Takeshi Nukaya, Shou Suzuki, Shingo Kurosu, Yunping Li, Hiroaki Matsumoto, Kazuhisa Sato, Yuji Tanaka

First Author:Yuichiro Koizumi

Indexed by:Unit Twenty Basic Research

Correspondence Author:Akihiko Chiba

Document Code:100

First-Level Discipline:材料学

Document Type:J


Page Number:2901-2915

Translation or Not:no