


职务:讲师 硕士生导师










李志雄,男,湖南益阳人,201712月博士毕业于中南大学物理与电子学院(指导老师:郭光华教授)。20183月至20228月在电子科技大学(合作导师:严鹏教授)开展博士后研究工作。20229月加入中南大学物理与电子学院“磁学与自旋电子学”课题组。主要研究方向为自旋电子学、微磁学与拓扑磁动力学等。近几年,在拓扑磁动力学领域取得了一系列重要进展, 发表20余篇国际物理学期刊论文,其中第一作者论文15篇,包括《物理评论B (Physical Review B) 7其中一篇Rapid Communications)物理评论应用》 (Physical Review Applied) 2应用物理快报》 (Applied Physics Letters) 1篇,《自然合作期刊-计算材料》(npj Computational Materials) 1篇, 物理学顶级综述期刊《物理报道》(Physics Reports) 1篇,《磁学与磁性材料杂志》(Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials) 3篇。另外,还受邀为Springer出版社和英国物理学会(IOP)出版社撰写专著两本,主持国家自然科学基金青年项目一项,博士后面上基金项目一项,湖南省自然科学基金青年项目一项,长期担任国际物理学期刊Physical Review系列的审稿人。




1、Zhixiong Li and Peng YanPeculiar corner states in magnetic fractals, Physical Review B 110, 024402 (2024). (自然指数期刊IF: 3.7)

2、Zhixiong Li, Xiansi Wang, Xuejuan Liu, and Peng Yan, Achieving unidirectional propagation of twisted magnons in a magnetic nanodisk array, Physical Review B 109, 024428 (2024). (自然指数期刊IF: 3.7)

3Zhixiong Li, Xiang Liu, Zhimiang Yan, Xiguang Wang, and Guanghua Guo, Realizing polarization-dependent unidirectional magnon channel in antiferromagnetic domain wall, Applied Physics Letters 124, 032401 (2024)(自然指数期刊IF: 4 

4Zhixiong Li, Zhenyu Wang, Yunshan Cao, and Peng Yan, Generation of twisted magnons via spin-to-orbital angular momentum conversionPhysical Review B 105, 174433 (2022). (自然指数期刊IF: 3.908

5Zhixiong Li, Xiansi Wang, Lingling Song, Yunshan Cao, and Peng Yan, Type-II Weyl excitation in vortex arrays, Physical Review Applied 17, 024054 (2022). (IF: 4.931)

6Zhixiong Li, Yunshan Cao, and Peng Yan, Topological insulators and semimetals in classical magnetic systems, Physics Reports 915, 1 (2021). (综述期刊IF: 30.510)

7Zhixiong Li, Zhenyu Wang, Yunshan Cao, H. W. Zhang, and Peng Yan, Robust edge states in magnetic soliton racetrack, Physical Review B 103, 054438 (2021). (自然指数期刊IF: 3.908

8Zhixiong Li, Zhenyu Wang, Zhizhi Zhang, Yunshan Cao, and Peng Yan, Third-order topological insulator in three-dimensional lattice of magnetic vortices, Physical Review B 103, 214442 (2021). (自然指数期刊IF: 3.908

9Zhixiong Li, Yunshan Cao, Xiangrong Wang, and Peng Yan, Second-order topological solitonic insulator in a breathing square lattice of magnetic vortices, Physical Review B 101, 184404 (2020). (自然指数期刊IF: 3.908

10Zhixiong Li, Yunshan Cao, Xiangrong, and Peng Yan, Symmetry-protected zero modes in metamaterials based on topological spin texture, Physical Review Applied 13, 064058 (2020). (IF: 4.931)

11Zhixiong Li, Yunshan Cao, Peng Yan, and Xiangrong, Higher-order topological solitonic insulators, npj Computational Materials 5, 107 (2019). (IF: 12.256)

12Zhixiong Li, Chen Wang, Yunshan Cao, and Peng Yan, Edge states in a two-dimensional honeycomb lattice of massive magnetic skyrmions, Physical Review B: Rapid Communications 98, 180407(R) (2018). (自然指数期刊IF: 3.908

13Zhixiong Li, Yifu Chen, Zhenwei Zhou, Yaozhuang Nie, Qinglin Xia, Daowei Wang, and Guanghua Guo, Creation of skyrmion through resonance excitation, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 433, 216 (2017). (IF: 3.097)

14Zhixiong Li, Mengning Wang, Yaozhuang Nie, Daowei Wang, Qinglin Xia, Wei Tang, Zhongming Zeng, and Guanghua Guo, Spin-wave propagation spectrum in magnetization-modulated cylindrical nanowires, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 414, 49 (2016). (IF: 3.097)

15Zhixiong Li, Xiguang Wang, Daowei Wang, Yaozhuang Nie, Wei Tang, and Guanghua Guo, Reconfigurable magnonic crystal consisting of periodically distributed domain walls in a nanostrip, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 388, 10 (2015). (IF: 3.097)



[1] Zhixiong Li, Yunshan Cao, and Peng Yan, Topological dynamics of spin texture based metamaterials, in Chirality, Magnetism and Magnetoelectricity: Separate Phenomena and Joint Effects in Metamaterial Structures, edited by E. Kamenetskii, Topics in Applied Physics Vol. 138 (Springer, Cham, 2021), pp. 405-440.

[2] Zhixiong Li, Yunshan Cao, and Peng Yan, Topology in Collective Magnetization Dynamics, edited by Zhixiong Li, Yunshan Cao, and Peng YanIOP Publishing Ltd, 2023. 


[1]   2011.9-2017.12

中南大学  |  凝聚态物理学  |  理学博士学位  |  博士研究生毕业

[2]   2007.9-2011.6

中南大学  |  应用物理学  |  理学学士学位  |  本科


[1]   2022.9-至今

中南大学  |  物理与电子学院  |  讲师

[2]   2018.3-2022.9

电子科技大学  |  博士后


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