Selmi C, Lu Q*, Humble MC Heritability versus the role of the environment in autoimmunity. J Autoimmun. 2012 Dec;39(4):249-52
Pre One:Zhang G, Bai HX, Yang L, Ma MH, Su Y, Luo Y, Wen H, Lu Q*, Xiao R. NK-/T-cell lymphoma resembling hydroa vacciniforme with positive CD4 marker expression: a diagnostic difficulty. Am J Dermatopathol. 2013 Feb;35(1):94-7
Next One:Ngalamika O, Zhang Y, Yin H, Zhao M, Gershwin ME, Lu Q*. Epigenetics, autoimmunity and hematologic malignancies: a comprehensive review. J Autoimmun. 2012 Dec;39(4):451-65