12.LingNa Chen, Ma SongShan, Ouyang FangPing,Wu XiaoZan, Xiao Jin, and Xu Hui*, Negative Differential Resistance Behaviour in N-doped Crossed Graphene Nanoribbons, Chinese Physics B, 2010, 19(9), 097301
Pre One:13.Fangping Ouyang, Zhixiong Yang, Jin Xiao, Di Wu and Hui Xu*, Electronic Structure and Chemical Modification of Graphene Antidot Lattices, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2010, 114 (37), 15578–15583
Next One:11.Lingna Chen, FangPing Ouyang, Songshan Ma, Xiaozan Wu, Jin Xiao, and Hui Xu *, First-principles Investigation on BN Co-doping of Metallic Carbon Nanotubes, Physics Letters A, 2010, 374, 4343–4348 (SCI, IF: 1.963)