43.Lin Zhou, Kai Xu, Ahmad Zubair, Xu Zhang, Fangping Ouyang, Tomas Palacios, Mildred Dresselhaus*, Yongfeng Li*, Jing Kong*, Role of Molecular Sieves in the CVD Synthesis of Large-Area 2D MoTe2,Advanced Functional Materials,2017, 27, 1603491
Pre One:44.Hua Zhang, Wenzhe Zhou, Zhixiong Yang, Shoujian Wu, Fangping Ouyang*, Hui Xu*, A First-principles Study on Impurity Effects of Monolayer MoS2:Donor Dominating the Band Gap,Materials Research Express, 2017, 4, 126301
Next One:42.Qingyi Zeng, Jiangling Pan*, Zhixiong Yang, Shengling Peng, Hui Zou, Fangping Ouyang* , The Transport Properties of the Phosphorus And Chlorine Doped Single Layer MoS2 p-n Junctions: A First-principles Study,Solid State Communications, 2016, 246(11): 82-87