Jinjing Shi, Shuhui Chen, Tian Chen, Tongge Zhao, Jiuqi Tang, Qin Li, Chunlin Yu, Heyuan Shi*: Image encryption with quantum cellular neural network. Quantum Information Processing. 21(6): 214 (2022) [QIP, JCR-2]
Pre One:Zhipin Gu, Yuexiang Yang, Heyuan Shi*: Detecting Malicious Gradients from Asynchronous SGD on Variational Autoencoder. International Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems 2021 [SRDS, CCF-B]
Next One:Liqiang Wu, Heyuan Shi*, Shaojing Fu, Yuchuan Luo, Ming Xu: p2Detect: Electricity Theft Detection With Privacy Preservation for Both Data and Model in Smart Grid. IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid. 14(3): 2301-2312 (2023) [TSG, 中科院1区TOP]