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2024-10-15  当选:  2024年中国国际大学生创新创业大赛 银奖

2024-09-02  当选:  2024年湖南省大学生创新大赛 一等奖

2023-12-15  当选:  第九届湖南省“互联网+”大学生创新创业大赛 一等奖

2024-01-16  当选:  2023年中国国际“互联网+”大学生创新创业大赛 铜奖


宋淼,湖南长沙人,中南大学特聘教授、博士生导师、升华学者,国家级高层次青年人才,获评新锐科学家小米青年学者、湖南省优秀创新创业导师、中南大学优秀班导师等。2016年博士毕业于中国科学院金属研究所,师从透射电子显微学家叶恒强院士和杜奎研究员。2016-2021年先后在美国能源部太平洋西北国家实验室担任博士后研究员(20169-20203)和研究员(Staff Scientist20204-202111)20223月入职中南大学粉末冶金研究院。

主要致力于机理驱动轻质材料的设计与研发,聚焦解决材料在制备、加工及复杂使役环境过程中遇到的关键基础科学问题,深入研究了材料加工制备微纳结构服役性能间的内在关系,取得了系列创新性研究成果。已在Science(2), Nature(1), Science/Nature子刊(8)Acta Materialia(9)等国际重要学术期刊发表论文110余篇,引用3200余次,申请专利8项,在国内外重要学术会议作邀请报告36次。担任Journal of Materials Science & TechnologyAdvanced Powder Materials, Materials Research Letters等期刊青年编委及20多种国际重要学术期刊的审稿人。主持/参与国家自然科学基金重大项目/青年人才项目/面上项目、科技部重点研发、湖南省自然科学基金、全国重点实验室开放/自主课题、企业横向课题等14项,教改项目2项。



(1) 原位透射电子显微学(原位力、热、电、液等)

(2) 机理驱动新/再生金属材料新型绿色制造(铝、钛、铜等)

(3) 气凝胶常压制备及气凝胶柔性复合材料(金属及氧化物气凝胶等)


[1]. M. Song#, G. Zhou#, N. Lu#, J. Lee, E. Nakouzi, H. Wang, and D. Li*, Science 367(6473) (2020) 40-45.

LinkOriented attachment induces fivefold twins by forming and decomposing high-energy grain boundaries | Science

[2]. F. Wang#, M. Song#, M. Elkot, N. Yao, B. Sun, M. Song*, Z. Wang*, D. Raabe*, Science 384(6699) (2024) 1017-1022.

Link: Shearing brittle intermetallics enhances cryogenic strength and ductility of steels | Science

[3] M. Song*, D. Zhang, D. Leng, J. Lee, Z. Yang, J. Chen, D. Li, L. Wang, G. Zhou*, R. Yang, K. Zhou, Nature Communications 15(1) (2024) 9217.

Link: In situ atomic observations of aggregation growth and evolution of penta-twinned gold nanocrystals | Nature Communications

[4] M. Song, S. He, K. Du, Z. Huang, T. Yao, Y. Hao, S. Li, R. Yang, H. Ye, Acta Materialia 118 (2016) 120-128.

LinkTransformation induced crack deflection in a metastable titanium alloy and implications on transformation toughening - ScienceDirect

[5] M. Song, K. Du*, S. Wen, Z. Nie, H. Ye, Acta materialia 69 (2014) 236-245.

LinkIn situ electron microscopy investigation of void healing in an Al–Mg–Er alloy at a low temperature - ScienceDirect

[6] M. Song, K. Du*, Z. Huang, H. Huang, Z. Nie, H. Ye, Acta materialia 81 (2014) 409-419.

LinkDeformation-induced dissolution and growth of precipitates in an Al–Mg–Er alloy during high-cycle fatigue - ScienceDirect




ORCID: Miao Song (0000-0002-0483-6580) - My ORCID



[113] Y. Zhang, K. Feng, M. Song*, S. Xiang, Y. Zhao, H. Gong, F. Ni, F. Dietrich, L. Fulanović*, F. Zhuo*, Energy Environmental Science 18(2) (2025) 602-612.

Link: Dislocation-engineered piezocatalytic water splitting in single-crystal BaTiO3 - Energy & Environmental Science (RSC Publishing)

[112] Y. Zhang, L. Xiao, Z. Cai, R. Xiao, M. Yin, X. Li, Y. Fu, X. Xiao, Y. Jiang, Z. Peng, S. Liu, X. Zhao*, W. Li*, M. Song*, Journal of Materials Science & Technology 218 (2025) 263-278.

Link: High-performance Nb alloy featuring a hierarchical carbides configuration for elevated-temperature applications - ScienceDirect

[111] H. Yi, B. Yin*, F. Yin, J. Hu, M. Liang, W. Zhong, Z. Huang, M. Song*, Y. Yang*, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 1010 (2025) 177087.

Link: Clarifying the effects of composition and phase stabilization on the oxidation resistance in AlCoCrFeNiTi series high-entropy alloys at 1100 °C - ScienceDirect

[110] J. Ge, S. Shi, X. Zhan, J. Wang, M. Song, X. Zhang, K. Zhou, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 1010 (2025) 178149.

Link: Effect of α configuration on recrystallization uniformity and grain refinement of TC18 alloy during thermomechanical treatment - ScienceDirect

[109] Y. Li, B. Yang*, M. Song, R. Lai, B. Liu, Y. Liu, Z. Wang, Y. Li*, Journal of Manufacturing Processes 133 (2025) 491-502.

Link: Aluminum/steel dissimilar material with high interfacial strength manufactured by additive friction stir deposition - ScienceDirect

[108] T. Wei, J. Zou, X. Zhou, M. Song, Y. Zhang, C. Nan, Y. Lin*, D. Zhang*, Nature Communications 16(1) (2025) 807.

Link: High-entropy assisted capacitive energy storage in relaxor ferroelectrics by chemical short-range order | Nature Communications

[107] S. Zeng, J. Zou*, M. Song, S. Liu, J. Zhang, T. Wei, Q. Sun, Y. Zhang, X. Yuan, D. Zhang*, Acta Materialia (2025) 120801.

Link: The mechanism for the enhanced piezoelectricity, dielectric property and thermal stability in (K,Na)NbO3 ceramics - ScienceDirect

[106] J. Zou, T. Wei, M. Song, S. Zeng, K. Zhou, Y. Zhang, S. Zhang*, D. Zhang*, Unveiling the Origin of Ultrahigh Piezoelectricity in Sb Doped KNN Based Piezoceramics, Advanced Functional Materials (2025) 2425080.

Link: Unveiling the Origin of Ultrahigh Piezoelectricity in Sb Doped KNN Based Piezoceramics - Zou - Advanced Functional Materials - Wiley Online Library


[105] M. Song*, D. Zhang, D. Leng, J. Lee, Z. Yang, J. Chen, D. Li, L. Wang, G. Zhou*, R. Yang, K. Zhou, Nature Communications 15(1) (2024) 9217.

Link: In situ atomic observations of aggregation growth and evolution of penta-twinned gold nanocrystals | Nature Communications

[104] X. Zhou, J. Zhang, H. Luo, Y. Zhang, S. Tang, H. Huang, X. Yuan, M. Song*, H. Qi*, D. Zhang*, Nature Communications 15(1) (2024) 6625.

Link: Lead-free ferroelectrics with giant unipolar strain for high-precision actuators | Nature Communications

[103] F. Wang#, M. Song#, M. Elkot, N. Yao, B. Sun, M. Song*, Z. Wang*, D. Raabe*, Science 384(6699) (2024) 1017-1022.

Link: Shearing brittle intermetallics enhances cryogenic strength and ductility of steels | Science

[102] Z. Geng, C. Chen*, M. Song*, J. Luo, J. Chen, R. Li, K. Zhou, Journal of Materials Science & Technology 187 (2024) 141-155.

Link: High strength Al0.7CoCrFeNi2.4 hypereutectic high entropy alloy fabricated by laser powder bed fusion via triple-nanoprecipitation - ScienceDirect

[101] M. Song#, J. Cui#, C. Ophus, J. Lee, T. Yan, K.A. Fichthorn*, D. Li*, Nano Letters 24 (2024) 1153-1159.

Link: Uneven Strain Distribution Induces Consecutive Dislocation Slipping, Plane Gliding, and Subsequent Detwinning of Penta-Twinned Nanoparticles | Nano Letters (acs.org)

[100] H. Yi, B. Yin, F. Yin, J. Hu, M. Liang, W. Zhong, Z. Huang, M. Song*, Y. Yang*, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 1010 (2025) 177087.

Link: Clarifying the effects of composition and phase stabilization on the oxidation resistance in AlCoCrFeNiTi series high-entropy alloys at 1100 °C - ScienceDirect

[99] Y. Zhang, L. Xiao, X. Zhao, S. Xiong, J. Xu, Y. Fu, M. Li, S. Liu, Z. Cai*, W. Li*, M. Song*, Materials Science and Engineering: A 893 (2024) 146115.

Link: Enhanced toughness-thermal stability synergy and mechanisms of dual-phase Nb alloys by tuning C concentration - ScienceDirect

[98] Y. Zhang, X. Zhao, S. Liu, W. Li, K. Zhou, L. Xiao*, M. Song*, Z. Cai*, Journal of Materials Science & Technology 186 (2024) 207-218.

Link: Thermal stabilizing and toughening of a dual-phase Nb alloy by tuning stabilizing element C in Nb-BCC - ScienceDirect

[97] J. Chen, C. liu, D. Li, P. Niu, X. Zhang, X. Ma, Y. Zhao, C. Chen*, K. Zhou, M. Song*, Scripta Materialia 240 (2024) 115850.

Link: TEM analysis of quasi in-situ formed tensile and fatigue cracks in a dual-phase Ti alloy - ScienceDirect

[96] Y. Tu, Y. He, L. Zhang*, M. Song*, Friction (2024).

Link: Low friction and wear characteristics formed by mechanically induced surface nanocrystallization: A review of recent advances (sciopen.com)

[95] J. Ge, S. Shi, X. Zhan, M. Song*, X. Zhang*, K. Zhou, Materials Science and Engineering: A 911 (2024) 146857.

Link: Advancing fracture toughness in high-strength TC18 alloy by optimizing the forging process - ScienceDirect

[94] M.A. Gomez#, *, Y. Chen, M. Song#, D. Li*, A.S. Lea, S. Yao, Y. Duan, Y. Jia, Y. Cai, T. Xiao, Environmental Science: Nano (2024).

Link: The transformation of lepidocrocite (γ-FeOOH) with Fe(ii)(aq) in slightly acidic media: intermediate pathways and biomimetic behavior - Environmental Science: Nano (RSC Publishing)

[93] J. Zou, M. Song, X. Zhou, W. Chi, T. Wei, K. Zhou, D. Zhang, S. Zhang, Nature Communications 15(1) (2024) 8591.

Link: Enhancing piezoelectric coefficient and thermal stability in lead-free piezoceramics: insights at the atomic-scale | Nature Communications

[92] A. Roy, R. Kalsar, M. Song, V.V. Joshi*, Acta Materialia (2024) 120402.

Link: Atomistic simulations to reveal HIP-bonding mechanisms of Al6061/Al6061 - ScienceDirect

[91] Y. Liu#, Y. Zan#, D. Wang, M. Song, X. Shao, H. Hao, Q. Jin, W. Wang, B. Xiao*, Z. Ma, Nano Letters 24(33) (2024) 0244-10250.

Link: Design of a Thermally Stable Heat-Resistant (Al2O3+Al3Ti)/Al Composite with Excellent High-Temperature Mechanical Properties: Multimechanism Synergistic Strengthening Strategy | Nano Letters (acs.org)

[90] M. Li#, H. Zhuo#, Y. Xu, Q. Jing, Y. Wu, Y. Gu, Z. Liao, K. Wang, M. Song, X. Li, J. Liang, C. Zhao, Y. Jiang, T. Wu, D. Geng*, J. Hu*, X. Sun*, B. Xiao*, Energy & Environmental Science 17 (2024) 7058-7068.

Link: Thermodynamically stable low-Na O3 cathode materials driven by intrinsically high ionic potential discrepancy - Energy & Environmental Science (RSC Publishing)

[89] Z. Geng, J. Liu, D. Li, X. Li, Z. Shu, J. Zhang, C. Chen*, J. Luo*, M. Song, R. Li, K. Zhou, Materials Science & Engineering A 913 (2024) 147019.

Link: Achieving high ductility in Fe45Mn35Co10Cr10 metastable high entropy alloy by constructing chemical boundary with stacking fault energy heterogeneity - ScienceDirect

[88] B. Gwalani*, J. Escobar, M. Song, J. Thomas, J. Silverstein, A.C. Chuang, D. Singh, M.P. Brady, Y. Yamamoto, T.R. Watkins*, A. Devaraj*, Acta Materialia  263(2024) 119494.

Link: Mechanisms for High Creep Resistance in Alumina Forming Austenitic (AFA) Alloys - ScienceDirect

[87] Y. Zhang, H. Duan*, T. Zheng, C. Chen, M. Song, P. Zeng, H. Ye, K. Du*, Materials Characterization 212 (2024) 114005.

Link: Complementary nanodomain structures in topologically close-packed precipitates of Al-Zn-Mg-Cu alloy - ScienceDirect

[86] K. Liu, Q. Zhang, Z. Lu, H. Zhu, M. Song, L. Chen, C. Zhang*, W. Wei, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 16 (2024) 14902–14911.

Link: Molten-Salt-Assisted Strategy Enables High-Rate Micron-Sized Single-Crystal Li-Rich, Mn-Based Layered Oxide Cathode Materials | ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces

[85] D. Li, Y. Wu, M. Song, C. Chen*, K. Zhou*, Journal of Materials Science 59 (2024) 10022–10034.

Link: High-throughput synthesis of binary Al–Mn alloys by directed energy deposition with improved accuracy of composition adjustment | Journal of Materials Science (springer.com)

[84] R. Kalsar*, N. Overman, T. Mason, M. Song, T. Roosendaal, K. Johnson, C. Miller, C. Lavender, V.V. Joshi*, Journal of Nuclear Materials (2024) 155193.

Link: Insight into the interfacial microstructure and chemistry of hot isostatically pressed AA6061-AA6061 bonds for U-10Mo fuel cladding application - ScienceDirect

[83] Z. Geng, Z. Shu, C. Chen*, J. Luo*, M. Song, R. Li, K. Zhou, Materials Research Letters 12(6) (2024) 433-441.

Link: Full article: Co-existence of nanoprecipitates with solute nitrogen evades the strength-ductility trade-off in metastable high entropy alloy (tandfonline.com)

[82] M. Li, H. Zhuo, M. Song, Y. Gu, X. Yang, C. Li, Z. Liao, Y. Ye, C. Zhao, Y. Jiang, J. Liang, D. Wang, K. Wang, D. Geng, B. Xiao*, Nano Energy 123 (2024) 109375.

Link: Tailoring Cu-rich surface spinel phase for high-performance O3-type layered cathode materials for sodium-ion batteries - ScienceDirect

[81] B. Gwalani, X. Li, A. Nittala, W. Choi, M. Reza-E-Rabby, J.E. Atehortua, A. Bhattacharjee, M. Pole, J. Silverstein, M. Song, K. Kappagantula*, Materials & Design 237 (2024) 112555.

Link: Unprecedented electrical performance of friction-extruded copper-graphene composites - ScienceDirect


[80] C. Zhang, X. Wu, C. Chen, F. Xing, C. Liang, M. Song*, L. Zhang*, W. Wei*, Acta Materialia 261 (2023) 119392.

Link: Origin of environmentally structural susceptibility of nickel-based layered oxide cathodes - ScienceDirect

[79] M. Song*, J. Liu, X. Ma, Q. Pang, M.J. Olszta, J. Silverstein, M.R. Pallaka, P.V. Sushko, S.N. Mathaudhu, C. Powell, A. Devara, B. Gwalani*, Journal of Materials Science Technology 134 (2023) 197-208.

LinkMass transport in a highly immiscible alloy on extended shear deformation - ScienceDirect

[78] M. Song#, M.P. Prange#, P. Ren#, Z. Lu, J. Lee, J. Zheng, M. Engelhard, J.J. De Yoreo, P.V. Sushko*, D. Li*, Advanced Materials Interfaces (2023) 2202306.

Link: Transitional Structures with Continuous Variations in Atomic Positions from Anatase to Rutile Improve Photocatalytic Activity - Song - 2023 - Advanced Materials Interfaces - Wiley Online Library

[77] B. Xiao#, Y. Zheng#, M. Song#, X. Liu#, G.H. Lee, F. Omenya, X. Yang, M.H. Engelhard, D. Reed, W. Yang, K. Amine, G.L. Xu, P.B. Balbuena*, X. Li*, Advanced Materials (2023) 2308380.

Link: Protonation Stimulates the Layered to Rock Salt Phase Transition of NiRich Sodium Cathodes - Xiao - Advanced Materials - Wiley Online Library

[76] 耿赵文李湘龙柏春燕罗晋如*宋淼陈超*周科朝. 间隙强化FeMnCoCr亚稳高熵合金及其低温/临氢服役性能研究进展[J].中国有色金属学报, (2023) 1-20. DOI10.11817/j.ysxb.1004.0609.2023-44263

Link: http://ysxb.csu.edu.cn/thesisDetails#10.11817/j.ysxb.1004.0609.2023-44263&lang=zh

[75] Y. Qiu, D. Ray, L. Yan, X. Li, M. Song, M.H. Engelhard, J. Sun, M.S. Lee, X. Zhang, M.T. Nguyen, V.A. Glezakou, Y. Wang, R. Rousseau, Y. Shao, Journal of the American Chemical Society 145 (48) (2023) 26016-26027.

Link: Proton Relay for the Rate Enhancement of Electrochemical Hydrogen Reactions at Heterogeneous Interfaces | Journal of the American Chemical Society (acs.org)

[74] E.J. Kautz*, M. Song, S. Riechers, A. Koziol, S.A. Briggs, K. Yano, R. Prabhakaran, A. Schemer-Kohrn, A. Soulami, V.V. Joshi, Journal of Alloys Compounds 969 (2023) 172074.

Link: Influence of processing on secondary phase formation and microstructural evolution at U-10Mo alloy and Zr interlayer interfaces - ScienceDirect

[73] M. Romedenne*, S. Lambeets, M. Song, C. Roach, A. Devaraj, R. Pillai, Corrosion Science 221 (2023) 111348.

Link: Revealing the elusive role of water vapor in the oxidation behavior of a Mn-Si containing NiCr alloy at 950 °C - ScienceDirect

[72] H. Zhu, C. Zhang, M. Song, L. Ma, W. Wang, W. Feng, G. Zhou, Y. Zhang, W. Wei*, Chemical Engineering Journal (2023) 144391.

Link: Nanostructured relaxor ferroelectric polymers enable full utilization of nickel-rich cathode at wide-temperature - ScienceDirect

[71] C. Zhang, Z. Lu, M. Song, Y. Zhang, C. Jing, L. Chen, X. Ji, W. Wei*, Advanced Energy Materials (2023) 2203870.

Link: Highly OxidationResistant Ether Gel Electrolytes for 4.7 V HighSafety Lithium Metal Batteries - Zhang - 2023 - Advanced Energy Materials - Wiley Online Library

[70] H. Zhu, G. Zhang, M. Song, W. Wang, L. Ma, G. Zhou, Y. Zhang, C. Zhang*, L. Zhou*, W. Wei*, Energy Storage Materials 63 (2023) 102968.

Link: Coordination-induced high-dielectric polymer coatings for high-energy-density lithium batteries - ScienceDirect


[69] B. Gwalani*, Q. Pang, A. Yu, W. Fu, L. Li, M. Pole, C. Roach, S.N. Mathaudhu, T. Ajantiwalay, M. Efe, S. Hu, M. Song, A. Soulami, A. Rohatgi, Y. Li, P.V. Sushko, A. Devaraj, ACS Omega 7(16) (2022) 13721-13736.

LinkExtended Shear Deformation of the Immiscible Cu–Nb Alloy Resulting in Nanostructuring and Oxygen Ingress with Enhancement in Mechanical Properties | ACS Omega

[68] L.E. Strange*, V. Shutthanandan, M. Song, M. Bowden, Q.R. Miller, R. Prabhakaran, R. Shimskey, V.V. Joshi*, Journal of Materials Research and Technology 21 (2022) 1274-1281.

LinkMultimodal analysis and characterization of the boehmite layer formed on AA6061 before and after alkaline etching - ScienceDirect

[67] X. Ma*, M. Olszta, J. Liu, M. Song, M. Pole, M.R. Pallaka, J. Silverstein, J. Escobar, A.J. Bhattacharjee, S.J.M.S. Mukherjee, E. A, A. Devaraj, B. Gwalani*, Materials Science and Engineering: A 858 (2022) 144061.

LinkTemperature-dependent formation of gradient structures with anomalous hardening in an Al–Si alloy - ScienceDirect

[66] T. Wang*, B. Gwalani, M. Song, X. Ma, T. Liu, H. Das, J. Silverstein, S. Whalen*, Journal of Manufacturing Processes 75 (2022) 814-825.

LinkExtreme shear deformation enables ultra-fast riveting of high strength aluminum alloys - ScienceDirect

[65] T. Wang*, J.E. Atehortua, M. Song, M. Reza-E-Rabby, B.S. Taysom, J. Silverstein, T. Roosendaal, D. Herling, S. Whalen*, Materials Design 213 (2022) 110374.

LinkExtrusion of Unhomogenized Castings of 7075 Aluminum via ShAPE - ScienceDirect

[64] M. Song, R. Kalsar*, C. Miller, N. Overman, K.I. Johnson, T. Roosendaal, C. Lavender, V.V. Joshi*, Materialia 23 (2022) 101458.

LinkCorrelation between Interface Microstructure and Bond Strength of Al6061/Al6061 HIP-Bonded Plates for Fuel Cladding Application - ScienceDirect

[63] M. Song*, S. Jana*, Z. Huber, L.E. Sweet, C. Lavender, V.V. Joshi*, Journal of Alloys Compounds 922 (2022) 166311.

LinkDelayed onset of discontinuous precipitation-based phase transformation in U10Mo alloys doped with Silicon - ScienceDirect

[62] M. Song*, J. Darsell, S. Jana*, Journal of Materials Science 57(25) (2022) 12055-12063.

LinkAmorphization and alloying in Al-Ti system through friction extrusion method | SpringerLink

[61] A. Samanta*, R.J. Seffens, H. Das, A.D. Guzman, T.J. Roosendaal, D. Garcia, M. Song, G.J. Grant, S. Jana*, Journal of Manufacturing Processes 78 (2022) 352-362.

LinkMicrostructure-refinement–driven enhanced tensile properties of high-pressure die-cast A380 alloy through friction stir processing - ScienceDirect

[60] X. Ma*, B. Gwalani, J. Tao, M. Efe, M. Olszta, M. Song, S. Yadav, A. Yu, T.J. Nizolek, J.S. Carpenter, B. Zhou, A. Devaraj, S. Mathaudhu, A. Rohatgi*, Acta Materialia 234 (2022) 117986.

LinkShear strain gradient in Cu/Nb nanolaminates: Strain accommodation and chemical mixing - ScienceDirect

[59] F. Lin, K. Rappé, L. Kovarik, M. Song, X.S. Li, M. Engelhard, Y. Wang*, Technology, Catalysis Science & Technology 12(8) (2022) 2462-2470.

LinkEffects of high-temperature CeO2 calcination on the activity of Pt/CeO2 catalysts for oxidation of unburned hydrocarbon fuels - Catalysis Science & Technology (RSC Publishing)

[58] B. Gwalani*, M. Song, J. Silverstein, J. Escobar, T. Wang, M. Pole, K. Johnson, B.K. Jasthi, A. Devaraj, K. Ross*, Scripta Materialia 207 (2022) 114281.

LinkThermal stability and mechanical properties of cold-sprayed Nickel-Yttria coating - ScienceDirect

[57] S. Akkineni, C. Zhu, J. Chen, M. Song, S.E. Hoff, J. Bonde, J. Tao, H. Heinz, S. Habelitz, J.J. De Yoreo*, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 119(19) (2022) e2106965119.

LinkAmyloid-like amelogenin nanoribbons template mineralization via a low-energy interface of ion binding sites | PNAS

[56] Q. Pang, M. Song, R. Kalsar, V.V. Joshi, P.V. Sushko*, Magnesium Technology 2022 (2022) 291-292.

LinkWater Adsorption and Surface Atom Detachment on Zn, Al, Ce-Doped Mg Surfaces | SpringerLink

[55] S.K. Nune*, Q.R. Miller, H.T. Schaef, T. Jian, M. Song, D. Li, V. Shuttanandan, B.P. McGrail, Scientific Reports 12(1) (2022) 1-8.

LinkTransport of polymer-coated metal–organic framework nanoparticles in porous media | Scientific Reports (nature.com)


[54] G. Zhu, M.L. Sushko, J.S. Loring, B.A. Legg, M. Song, J.A. Soltis, X. Huang, K.M. Rosso, J.J. De Yoreo*, Nature 590(7846) (2021) 416-422.

LinkSelf-similar mesocrystals form via interface-driven nucleation and assembly | Nature

[53] B. Xiao, Y. Wang, S. Tan, M. Song, X. Li*, Y. Zhang, F. Lin, K.S. Han, F. Omenya, K. Amine, Angewandte Chemie 133(15) (2021) 8339-8348.

LinkVacancyEnabled O3 Phase Stabilization for ManganeseRich Layered Sodium Cathodes - Xiao - 2021 - Angewandte Chemie International Edition - Wiley Online Library

[52] B. Xiao, X. Liu, M. Song, X. Yang, F. Omenya, S. Feng, V. Sprenkle, K. Amine, G. Xu, X. Li*, Nano Energy 89 (2021) 106371.

LinkA general strategy for batch development of high-performance and cost-effective sodium layered cathodes - ScienceDirect

[51] B. Xiao, X. Liu, X. Chen, G.H. Lee, M. Song, X. Yang, F. Omenya, D.M. Reed, V. Sprenkle, Y. Ren, C. Sun, W. Yang, K. Amine, X. Li*, G. Xu*, X. Li*. Advanced Materials 33(52) (2021) 2107141.

LinkUncommon Behavior of Li Doping Suppresses Oxygen Redox in P2Type ManganeseRich Sodium Cathodes - Xiao - 2021 - Advanced Materials - Wiley Online Library

[50] U. Sanyal, A. Martinez, M. Guo, S. Subramaniam, M. Song, K.K. Ramasamy*, Energy Fuels 35(19) (2021) 15742-15751.

LinkSelective Dehydration of 2,3-Butanediol to 3-Buten-2-ol over In2O3 Catalyst | Energy & Fuels (acs.org)

[49] P. Ren#, Z. Lu#, M. Song#, L. Liu, B. Wang, N. Wei, M.E. Bowden, M.G. Wirth, D.E. Perea, D. Zhang, E.C. Buck, Y. Han, P.V. Sushko*, D. Li*, Applied Surface Science 563 (2021) 149980.

LinkFormation of pyrophosphates across grain boundaries induces the formation of mismatched but oriented interfaces in silver phosphate polypods - ScienceDirect

[48] P. Ren#, Z. Lu#, M. Song#, J. Lee, J. Zheng, P.V. Sushko*, D. Li*, Advanced Energy Materials 11(13) (2021) 2003548.

LinkAtomic Gradient Structure Alters Electronic Structure in 3D across the Bulk and Enhances Photoactivity - Ren - 2021 - Advanced Energy Materials - Wiley Online Library

[47] Y. He, L. Jiang, T. Chen, Y. Xu, H. Jia, R. Yi, D. Xue, M. Song, A. Genc, C. Bouchet-Marquis, Nature nanotechnology 16(10) (2021) 1113-1120.

LinkProgressive growth of the solid–electrolyte interphase towards the Si anode interior causes capacity fading | Nature Nanotechnology

[46] B. Gwalani, M. Song, J. Escobar, A. Yu, M. Olszta, J. Liu, T. Liu, J. Silverstein, X. Ma, P. Sushko, Microanalysis, Microscopy and Microanalysis 27(S1) (2021) 3106-3108.

LinkShear-Deformation-Induced Modification of Defect Structures and Hierarchical Microstructures in Miscible and Immiscible Alloys | Microscopy and Microanalysis | Cambridge Core

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