Chen, B., Qi, G., Du, J., Li, S., Sun, Y. *, 2023. 3-D gravity anomaly inversion for imaging salt structures, with application to Vinton Salt Dome, Gulf of Mexico. IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens. 61, 1-9.
Pre One:Ya SUN, Shi-lin DENG, Jian-xin LIU, Syed Muzyan SHAHZAD, Bo CHEN*, Hydrothermal activity and metallogenic environment revealed by seismic wave tomography in Yunnan province, China. Trans.Nonferrous Met. Soc. China, 33(2023)3476-3486.
Next One:Chen, B., Li, S., Sun, Y.*, Du, J., Liu, J., & Qi, G. (2022). Joint Inversion of Gravity Gradient Tensor Data Based on L1 and L2 Norms. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 60, 1-8.