Ying Yan, Shen Zhang, Jinjun Tang*, Xiaofei Wang. “Understanding characteristics in multivariate traffic flow time series from complex network structure”. (*corresponding author). Physica A, Vol.477, 149-160, 2017-07. (SCI, IF: 2.9, JCR 2)
Pre One:Yajie Zou, Jinjun Tang*, Lingtao Wu, Kristian Henrickson, Yinhai Wang. “Quantile analysis of freeway incident clearance time”. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers – Transport, (*corresponding author) Vol.170, No.5, 296-304, 2017-10-01. (SCI, IF: 0.3, JCR 4区)
Next One:Han Jiang, Yajie Zou, Shen Zhang, Jinjun Tang*, Yinhai Wang. “Short-term speed prediction using remote microwave sensor data: machine learning versus statistical model”. Mathematical Problems in Engineering. Vol.2016, ID 9236156, 2016-01-19. (* corresponding author) (SCI, IF: 0.7, JCR 3)