Jinjun Tang, Fan Gao, Fang Liu, Wenhui Zhang, Yong Qi. “Understanding Spatio-Temporal Characteristics of Urban Travel Demand Based on the Combination of GWR and GLM”. Sustainability, Vol.11, No.5525, 1-19, 2019-12. (SCI, IF: 2.5, JCR 2) WOS:000493525500384
Pre One:Jinjun Tang, Jin Hu, Wei Hao, Xinqiang Chen, Yong Qi. “Markov Chains Based Route Travel Time Estimation Considering Link Spatio-Temporal Correlation”. Physica A. Vol.545, 123759, 2020-05,1-12. (SCI, IF: 2.9, JCR 2) WOS:000526845600082
Next One:Jinjun Tang, Lexiao Li, Zheng Hu, Fang Liu. Short-term traffic flow prediction considering spatio-temporal correlation: a hybrid model combing type-2 fuzzy c-means and artificial neural network. IEEE Access, Vol. 7, 101009-101018, 2019-12. (SCI, IF: 4.0, JCR 1)