Impact Factor:3.4
DOI number:10.3390/ma11020328
Affiliation of Author(s):中南大学粉末冶金研究院
Teaching and Research Group:高温结构材料研究所
Funded by:中国国家重点研究与发展计划(2016YFB0701404),中国国家自然科学基金(NSFC)(51401242)
Key Words:Powder metallurgy superalloy, Hot isostatic pressing, Prior particle boundary, Grain structure
Abstract:The microstructure with homogeneously distributed grains and less prior particle boundary (PPB) precipitates is always desired for powder metallurgy superalloys after hot isostatic pressing (HIPping). In this work, we studied the effects of HIPping parameters, temperature and pressure on the grain structure in PM superalloy FGH96, by means of scanning electron microscope (SEM), electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD), transmission electron microscope (TEM) and Time-of-flight secondary ion spectrometry (ToF-SIMS). It was found that temperature and pressure played different roles in controlling PPB precipitation and grain structure during HIPping, the tendency of grain coarsening under high temperature could be inhibited by increasing HIPping pressure which facilitates the recrystallization. In general, relatively high temperature and pressure of HIPping were preferred to obtain an as-HIPped superalloy FGH96 with diminished PPB precipitation and homogeneously refined grains.
Co-author:Guoai He, Yunping Li, Liang Jiang
First Author:Liming Tan
Indexed by:Article
Correspondence Author:Feng Liu
First-Level Discipline:冶金
ISSN No.:1996-1944
Translation or Not:no