Language : English
Liming Tan

Journal Publications

Superplastic behavior of a powder metallurgy superalloy during isothermal compression

Impact Factor:10.9

DOI number:10.1016/j.jmst.2019.05.025

Affiliation of Author(s):中南大学粉末冶金研究院

Teaching and Research Group:高温结构材料研究所

Journal:Journal of Materials Science & Technology

Funded by:中国国家重点研究与发展计划(No.2016YFB0701404),中国国家自然科学基金(91860105)和广东省引进的创新与企业家团队基金(201301G0105337290)

Key Words:Nickel-based superalloy, Superplastic deformation, Dynamic recrystallization, Grain boundary sliding, Hot compression

Abstract:In this work, the flow behaviors and microstructure evolution of a powder metallurgy nickel-based superalloy during superplastic compression is investigated. Based on the strain rate sensitivity m determined by flow data, superplastic region is estimated at relatively low temperature and strain rate domains, specifically around 1000 degrees C/10(-3)s(-1). Thereafter, the cylinder specimens are isothermally compressed at 1000 degrees C/10(-3)s(-1) and 1025 degrees C/10(-3)s(-1) with different strains, to exam the superplasticity and related mechanisms. The experimental results indicate that the accumulated dislocations are mainly annihilated by dynamic recovery and dynamic recrystallization (DRX), and the grain boundary sliding (GBS) contributes to the total strain during superplastic compression as well. In addition, the cavities and cracks at triple junctions or interfaces between matrix and second phase particle have not been detected, which is different from superplastic tensile deformation. (C) 2019 Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of The editorial office of Journal of Materials Science & Technology.

Co-author:Yunping Li, Yan Nie, Liang Jiang

First Author:Liming Tan

Indexed by:Article

Correspondence Author:Feng Liu


First-Level Discipline:冶金


Page Number:2591-2599

ISSN No.:1005-0302

Translation or Not:no