Impact Factor:10.6
DOI number:10.1080/17452759.2020.1848283
Affiliation of Author(s):中南大学粉末冶金研究院
Teaching and Research Group:高温结构材料研究所
Journal:Virtual and Physical Prototyping
Funded by:国家科技重大项目(2017-VI-0008-0078),中国国家自然科学基金(NSFC)(91860105,52074366),中国博士后科学基金会(2019M662799)
Key Words:3-Dimensional printing, oxidenickel-based superalloy, hot extrusion, anisotropy
Abstract:With excellent radiation resistance and high temperature strength, the oxide dispersion strengthened (ODS) nickel-based superalloys are deemed as candidate materials for advanced fission and fusion reactor. Since conventional manufacturing processes are difficult to produce components with complex shapes, additive manufacturing becomes an alternative method. In this work, ODS nickel-based superalloy was manufactured by laser metal deposition (LMD) technology using mechanically alloyed powder. The microstructure and high temperature mechanical properties of the as-deposited alloy were analysed. The results indicated that the as-deposited alloys prepared by this method owned anisotropic structure and uniformly distributed high-density oxides, contributing to superior high-temperature performance, in comparison with the samples produced by LMD using pre-alloyed powder and traditional hot extrusion.
Co-author:Guowei Wang, Yu Guo, Qihong Fang, Zecheng Liu, Xiangyou Xiao, Wuqiang He, Zijun QinORCID Icon, Yong Zhang, Lan Huang
First Author:Liming Tan
Indexed by:Article
Correspondence Author:Feng Liu
First-Level Discipline:冶金
Page Number:555-569
ISSN No.:1745-2759
Translation or Not:no