Language : English
  • Personal Information


    Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates

    Supervisor of Master's Candidates

    School/Department:School of Computer Science and Engineering

    Education Level:Postgraduate (Doctoral)

    Business Address:计算机楼301



    Degree:Doctoral degree


    Academic Titles:计算机学院教学指导委员会主任

    Other Post:教育部网络空间安全专业教学指导委员会委员

    Alma Mater:中南大学

    Discipline:Computer Science and Technology

  • Profile

    王伟平,中南大学计算机学院,教授,博士生导师,教育部网络空间安全教学指导委员会委员。中南大学计算机学院“网络威胁发现与隐私数据保护”学科方向负责人,湖南省网络空间安全研究生创新培养基地负责人。1991年获东南大学电子工程学士学位,1994年获中南大学计算机应用技术硕士学位,2004年获中南大学计算机应用技术博士学位。1994年开始在中南大学任教,2009年至2010年在美国德州A&M大学访学一年。2009年入选教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划。主要研究兴趣包括互联网应用安全、物联网安全、安全大数据分析、网络协议分析与行为监测等。作为项目负责人承担了4项国家自然科学基金,承担及参与了其他重大科研项目10余项。在包括《IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics & Security》、《软件学报》、《计算机学报》等在内的国内外刊物发表学术论文90余篇。获得发明专利5项,国家软件著作权3项。作为主要参与者获得教育部自然科学一等奖1项,湖南省科技进步二等奖2项。







    l  物联网安全

    l  移动互联网应用安全

    l  复杂应用背景下的流量建模与入侵检测

    l  恶意流量智能处置技术

    l 安全知识图谱挖掘及其应用


    l 国家重点研发计划课题 超大规模网络中恶意流量智能处置技术(2023YFB3106903)2023-2026

    l  国家自然科学基金项目对抗型偷渡式下载攻击检测关键技术研究(62272486)”202301-202612

    l 联通合作项目深层次复杂网络未知威胁行为检测与预警关键技术研究”2023-2026

    l  湖南省电力公司项目 ”基于机器学习的电力物联网高级威胁分析关键技术研究”  2022-2023

    l  中南大学-深信服联合研究项目“网络数据流威胁感知关键技术研发” 2020-2023

    l  国家自然科学基金项目“面向混合移动应用安全性的数据流分析技术研究(61672543)”201701-2020.12

    l  主持完成国家自然科学基金项目“面向无线网络优化的高效实用网络编码技术研究(61173169)”201201-2015.12

    l  主持完成国家自然科学基金项目:基于网络编码的无线网络安全性与可靠性研究(608732652009.1-2011.12 

    l  主持完成国家自然科学基金项目:匿名通信理论、方法与关键技术研究(60403032 2005.1-2007.12

    l  工信部物联网发展专项 物联网支撑平台安全服务中间件  工信部科[2011] 2012.1-2014.12

    l  云平台虚拟化安全技术预研 企业委托  2015.6-2015.12


    1.  Li Z, Wang W, Li J, et al. UCG: A Universal Cross-Domain Generator for Transferable Adversarial Examples[J]. IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, 2024,19:5286-5300 .
    2.    Li Z, Wang W, Li J, et al. Foolmix: Strengthen the Transferability of Adversarial Examples by Dual-Blending and Direction Update Strategy[J]. IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, 2024,19:3023-3037

    3.  Yan Qin, Weiping Wang*, Zixian Chen, Hong Song, Shigeng ZhangTransAST: A Machine Translation-Based Approach for Obfuscated Malicious JavaScript Detection2023 53rd Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN,CCFB类会议)327-338

    4. Weiping Wang, Congmin Ren,Hong Song,Shigeng Zhang,and Pengfei Liu FGL_Droid: An Efficient Android Malware Detection Method Based on Hybrid Analysis  Security, Trust, and Privacy in Machine Learning and Internet of Things 2021Security and Communication Networks  (SCI检索,CCF C) Volume 2022  Article ID 8398591 |

    5. Pengfei Liu, Weiping Wang*, et al. ImageDroid: Using Deep Learning to Efficiently Detect Android Malware and Automatically Mark malicious Features [J]. Security and Communication Networks, (2022) (SCI检索,CCF C)

    6.  Pengfei Liu, Weiping Wang, et al. HashDroid: Extraction of malicious features of Android applications based on function call graph pruning [C]. IEEE International Conference on Trust,Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications(TrustCom), (2022) (CCFC类会议)

    7.吴森焱,罗熹王伟平*, 覃岩,融合多种特征的恶意URL检测方法,软件学报(CCF-中文A刊),2021,32(9):2916-2934

    8.王伟平,宁翔凯,宋虹*,鲁鸣鸣,王建新 iAES:面向网络安全博客的IOC自动抽取方法,计算机学报(CCF-中文A刊),2021445):882-896

    9.  Yan Qin, Weiping Wang, Shigeng Zhang, and Kai Chen, An Exploit Kits Detection Approach based on HTTP Message Graph, IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics & Security,2021, 16: 3387-3400.CCF A,IF= 6.01

    10.    李慧慧张士庚宋虹*, 王伟平结合多特征识别的恶意加密流量检测方法信息安全学报(CCF-中文B刊),  2021,6(2):129-142

    11.    Wang W, Wei J, Zhang S, et al. LSCDroid: Malware Detection Based on Local Sensitive API Invocation Sequences[J]. IEEE Transactions on Reliability, 2019, 69(1): 174-187.  JCR-1,IF=3.177

    12.    P LiuW WangX LuoH WangC Liu. NSDroid: efficient multi-classification of android malware using neighborhood signature in local function call graphs. International Journal of Information Security (2020): 1-13. 12 March 2020 JCR-2,IF=1.494

    13.    Weiping Wang, Feng Zhang,1 Xi Luo, Shigeng Zhang, PDRCNN: Precise Phishing Detection with Recurrent Convolutional Neural NetworksSecurity and Communication Networks Volume 2019, Article ID 2595794, 15 pages ISSN1939-0114  CCF C,IF=1.288

    13.    Junyang Bai, Weiping Wang, Yan Qin, Shigeng Zhang, Yi Pan, Jianxin Wang. BridgeTaint: A Bi-directional Dynamic Taint Tracking Method for JavaScript Bridges in Android Hybrid Applications. IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics & Security (TIFS), 2019,14(3):677-692(CCF A, IF= 6.01)

    14.    Yuzhu Cheng, Weiping Wang, Jianxin Wang, Haodong WangFPC: A New Approach to Firewall Policies Compression, TSINGHUA SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY , 2019,24(1) :65– 76  JCR-2,IF=1.328

    15.   Sujun Li, WeiPing Wang, Boqing Zhou, Jianxin Wang, Yun Cheng, Jie wu. A (M,m) Authentication Scheme against mobile sink replicated Attack in Unattended Sensor Networks. IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, 2018, 7(2):250-253 (JCR-1IF =3.096)

    16.  Sujun Li, WeiPing Wang, Boqing Zhou, Jianxin Wang, Yun Cheng, Jie wu. A Secure Scheme for Heterogeneous Sensor Networks. IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, 2017, 6(2):182-185  (JCR-1IF =3.096)

    17. Bai J, Wang W, Lu M, et al. TDWS: a threat detection tool of WebSocket and Web Storage in HTML5 websites. Security & Communication Networks, 2016,9(18):5432–5443CCF C,IF=1.288

    18.   王伟平  柏军洋  张玉婵  王建新  基于代码改写的JavaScript动态污点跟踪,清华大学学报(自然科学版) , 2016,56 (9) :956-962

    19.   王伟平,张俊峰,王建新,基于零空间的网络编码云存储完整性校验方案,清华大学学报(自然科学版)2016561):83-88

    20.   Weiping Wang, Xiaozhuan Chen, Mingming Lu,*,Jianxin Wang1, Xi Zhang Jie Wu  Code pruning in opportunistic routing through bidirectional coding traffic comparison Wireless Communications & Mobile Computing(CCF CSCI期刊)  2016, 16(3):279-299

    21.   Xiang Yang, Weiping Wang, Mingming Lu, Jianxin Wang and Xi Zhang Fair coding for inter-session network coding in wireless mesh networksWireless Communications & Mobile Computing(CCF C,SCI 期刊)2016,16(14):1922-1942

    22. Cheng Y, Wang W, Min G, et al. A new approach to designing firewall based on multidimensional matrix[J]. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience(CCF CSCI期刊), 2015, 27(12): 3075-3088.

    23.   张丽霞王伟平高建良王建新面向模式图变化的增量图模式匹配软件学报(CCF-中文A刊),26(11): 2964-2980, 2015/11/1.

    24.王伟平,陈小专,鲁鸣鸣,王建新.CFACK:应用累积系数确认的网络编码机会路由协议.软件学报(CCF-中文A刊),2014,25(7): 1541−1556

    25.   WANG Wei-ping,.Wu WeiGuan Qing-juanWANG Jian-xin. TCARA New Network Coding-aware Routing Mechanism Based on Local Topology Detection  Journal of Central South University 2014218):3178-3185(SCI期刊)


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  • Education Background

    [1]  2000.9- 2004.5
    中南大学 | Computer Science and Technology | Postgraduate (Doctoral) | Doctoral Degree in Engineering
    [2]  1991.9- 1994.3
    中南大学 | Computer Science and Technology | Postgraduate (Master's Degree) | Master's degree
    [3]  1987.9- 1991.7
    东南大学 | Electronic Science and Technology | Undergraduate (Bachelor’s degree) | Bachelor's Degree in Engineering
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