Language : English
Feixiang Wu

Research Group


Name of Research Group:Wu Group

Description of Research Group:主要围绕新型二次电池(超越传统的电池体系)关键材料设计与材料界面科学开展应用基础研究

Team members Introduction:

2020级 博士研究生 (本科兰州理工,硕士中南大学)

1. Z. Xue, Z.Guan, Y. Liu* and F. Wu*, Recent progress in the design of anionic redox in layered oxide electrodes: A mini review (Invited Review). Electrochemistry Communications. 2021, 124, 106969.

2. 吴飞翔,薛智宸,汪思思,锂离子二次电池用电解液及锂离子二次电池,国家发明专利,2021107828431.

3. Zhichen Xue, Nikhil Sharma, Feixiang Wu*, Piero Pianetta, Feng Lin, Luxi Li*, Kejie Zhao*, Yijin Liu*Asynchronous Domain Dynamics and Equilibration in Layered Oxide Battery Cathode, Nature Communications, 2023, In press.

4. 已赴美国斯坦福大学联合培养;