Jiaying Xiao, Xiaofei Luo, Kuan Peng, and Bo Wang*. “Improved back-projection method for circular- scanning-based photoacoustic tomography with improved tangential resolution,”Applied Optics 56, no. 32 (2017): 8983-8990.
Pre One:Jiaying Xiao, Tianshuang Wang, Kuan Peng, Xiaokai Zhang, and Bo Wang*. “Lithography of aluminum coated PVDF annular array for photoacoustic endoscopy,” Communications in Computational Physics 32, no. 2 (2018): 561-571
Next One:Jiaying Xiao, Yanan Li, Kuan Peng, Wentao Jin, and Bo Wang*. “Photoacoustic endoscopy with hollow structured lens-focused PVDF transducer.” Applied Optics 55, no. 9 (2016): 2301-2305.