Title of Achievement:基于功能分析的高校数字校史馆建设思路探究
Granted by:湖南省档案学会
School Sign:中南大学
Type of Outcome:Thesis
Grade of Award:贰等奖
Primary Participant:向禹
Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Date of Employment:2000-07-01
Education Level:Master's degree
Contact Information:电子邮箱:xyacsu@csu.edu.cn;
Degree:Master's degree
Academic Titles:中南大学档案技术研究所常务副所长
Other Post:湖南省高等教育学会档案专业委员会秘书长、中国档案学会基础理论学术委员会委员
Alma Mater:中南大学
Discipline:Computer Science and Technology
Education Level:Master's degree
Alma Mater:中南大学
Title of Achievement:基于功能分析的高校数字校史馆建设思路探究
Granted by:湖南省档案学会
School Sign:中南大学
Type of Outcome:Thesis
Grade of Award:贰等奖
Primary Participant:向禹