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Journal Publications
[81]Junshang Yang, Shuying Wang, Zhiwu Yu, Jinyang Fu*.Numerical analysis of framed building response to tunnelling induced ground movements Engineering Structures[J], 2018, 158 (3) : 43-66.
[82]Feng Yang, Junsheng Yang, Tugen Feng, Yufeng Gao, Jian Zhang.Upper-bound finite-element analysis of axisymmetric problems using a mesh adaptive strategy[J].Computers and Geotechnics, 2018, 102: 148-154.
[83]Yufeng Gao, Yongxing Zhang, Junsheng Yang, Xueming Zhang.Cause investigation of damages in existing building adjacent to foundation pit in construction[J].Engineering Failure Analysis, 2018, 83: 117-124.
[84]苏保柱, 雷金山, 梁雄, 龚方浩, 谢亦朋, 阳军生, 张聪.富水岩溶越江盾构隧道注浆材料试验与应用研究[J].岩石力学与工程学报, 2018, 37 (4) : 1-11.
[85]Yufeng Gao, Feng Yang, Junsheng Yang*, Tugen Feng, Jian Zhang.Upper-bound stability analysis of dual unlined horseshoe-shaped tunnels due to gravity[J].Computers and Geotechnics, 2018, 97: 103-110.
[86]傅金阳, 阳军生, 王树英, 周锦强.基于Mindlin解分析隧道开挖对近邻桩基的影响[J].岩土力学, 2017, 38 (4) : 1075-1081.
[87]章 怡, 张贵金, 张智博, 叶新田, 阳军生, 张 聪.盾构隧道松散地层可控注浆机制及工程应用[J].岩石力学与工程学报, 2017, 36 (9) : 2324-2332.
[88]周纯择, 肖超, 阳军生, 王树英, 叶新宇.泥质粉砂岩地层土压平衡盾构渣土改良技术[J].铁道科学与工程学报, 2017, 14 (9) : 1925-1933.
[89]阳军生, 傅金阳, 王树英, 瞿同明.基于离散元分析盾构动态掘进引起的无黏性地层主应力特征[J].中南大学学报(自然科学版), 2017, 48 (11) : 3083-3091.
[90]雷金山, 张智博, 叶新田, 张贵金, 阳军生, 张聪.水下岩溶浆液抗分散性质试验研究及工程应用[J].岩土工程学报, 2017, 39 (10) : 1859-1866.
[91]王树英, 张箭, 阳军生, 孙雁军.风化花岗岩地层隧道衬砌裂损分析与处理研究[J].郑州大学学报(工学版), 2017, 38 (4) : 78-83.
[92]雷金山, 张智博, 叶新田, 张贵金, 阳军生, 张聪.水下岩溶浆液抗分散性质试验研究及工程应用[J].岩土工程学报, 2017, 39 (10) : 1859-1866.
[93]张学民, 肖小文, 张聪, 阳军生.基于岩体层理特性的非线性抗剪强度准则研究[J].东北大学学报(自然科学版), 2017, 38 (1) : 26-131.
[94]Xue-Min Zhang, Jun-Sheng Yang, Jin-Yang Fu*, Zhi-Heng Zhu.Panoramic Image Stitching for Arbitrarily Shaped Tunnel Lining Inspection[J].Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineerin, 31 (2016) : 936–953.
[95]Fanxuan Zeng, Xiangcou Zheng, Junsheng Yang, Feng Yang, Jian Zhang.Upper-bound stability analysis of dual unlined elliptical tunnels in cohesive-frictional soils[J].Computers and Geotechnics, 2016, 80 (2016) : 283–289.
[96]杨峰, 阳军生, 康石磊.含裂隙类岩试样破坏行为的宏细观数值分析[J].长江科学院院报, 2016, 33 (4) : 71-77.
[97]牟友滔, 阳军生, 皮圣, 蒋彪.长沙地铁典型地层盾构施工地表沉降分析与预测[J].地下空间与工程学报, 2016, 12 (1) : 181-187.
[98]张细宝, 阳军生, 王树英, 张箭.敞口式盾构掘进对砂层土体扰动规律研究[J].东北大学学报(自然科学版), 2016, 37 (4) : 572-577.
[99]叶新宇, 何杰, 王树英, 阳军生, 肖超.土压平衡盾构改良渣土力学行为及其地层响应特征[J].中南大学学报(自然科学版), 2016, 47 (7) : 2432-2440.
[100]陈相宇, 阳军生, 梁禹.富水砂层盾构隧道开挖面主动破坏极限支护力研究[J].现代隧道技术, 2016, 53 (1) : 90-95.
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