Liu Yang, Qiankun Zheng, Zidong Wang*. CGEDN: Approximation of Graph Edit Distance with Path Generation via Learning Node Matching [C]. The 50th IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2025), Hyderabad, India, 6-11 April, 2025. (CCF B类,已录用)
Pre One:Hongxiao Fei, Jinqi Hu, Liu Yang*, Tingxuan Chen, Huayou Su, Zanqun Liu. Heterogeneous Feature-Aware Graph Neural Network for Tabular Data [C]. The 30th International Conference on Database Systems for Advanced Applications (DASFAA2025), Singapore, May 26-29, 2025. (CCF B类,已录用)
Next One:Chen Tingxuan, Liu Yang*, Wang Zidong, Luo Shuai, Long Jun*. Enhancing Extrapolation Reasoning on Temporal Knowledge Graphs with Logic Rules and Queries [C]. The 50th IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2025), Hyderabad, India, 6-11 April, 2025. (CCF B类,已录用)