Tao Wang, Shangtao Hu, Menggang Yang, Shujun Fang. A technique for capturing structural crack geometry in numerical simulation based on the invariant level set method[J]. Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 2023, 87(3): 243-254.
上一条: Qiong Gao, Menggang Yang, Dongliang Meng. Seismic optimization of high-speed railway bridges considering the running safety of trains in normal service[J]. Structure and Infrastructure Engineering, 2023, 19(9): 1283-1298.
下一条: Shangtao Hu, Renkang Hu, Menggang Yang, Tao Wang. Seismic behavior of the combined viscous-steel damping system for a long-span suspension bridge considering wave-passage effect[J]. Journal of Bridge Engineering, 2023, 28(7): 04023034.